MyUM Updated?? Help

<p>So, for the past few mornings I have been checking my UM account almost religiously. However, today when I checked my homepage it was missing a few past features. In particular the Life at UM tab and the academic/financial aid tab. I assume that this implies that I did not get accepted- anyone else notice these irregularities on their MyUM account</p>

<p>I wouldn’t assume that. When I log onto my daughter’s, there is the Life at UM tab, but when I click it there is no info. I suppose that, too, could mean she didn’t get in, but I’ve had a couple of weird experiences with college websites lately. Rollins sometimes says her R number (Their version of an ID number) doesn’t exist, but then, the next day it is back. We haven’t heard from them. Also, Clemson apparently has put admitted students into their phone book in the past (which you can see on their website), and my daughter wasn’t in it, but she was still accepted. So I think their websites just get hinky sometimes. Unfortunately, it seems like you just have to wait until you hear.</p>

<p>Thanks for timely response! Definitely helps my nerves!</p>

<p>i dont have life at UM on my main page but i have it on top between home and logout. it has a bunch of meal plan options none of which are available to me. i think UM is ready with their decisions and we are gonna hear soon. :D</p>

<p>For what it’s worth…S had to go to MyUM this morning to get his UM #…we noticed that his academic/financial tab was missing. I’m sure it’s just a glitch or something going on at their end - S has already been accepted so I don’t think this means anything.</p>

<p>I have been checking my UM account all week too and I also noticed some of the tabs were missing.</p>

<p>i think some decisions are out this friday… :D</p>

<p>I think I know the reason why everyone’s myUM is going wonky. Miami just rolled out their new CaneLink system today, which is meant to be an overhaul of myUM. So all the info that was previously on myUM is gone and moved to CaneLink. I’m guessing you’ll be getting your decisions through myUM still, since none of you who applied this year would have known anything about CaneLink, but all other information will be gone. So don’t worry, it doesn’t mean you didn’t get in!</p>