National Achievement Seems to Help ALOT

<p>I think SAT’s are more important, except with regard to getting your name out there to hear about stuff, which you may have to do on your own. You will be “second” to those with higher SAT scores. Not sure how “Top” you mean, but you should be fine as far as stats go. For the tippy top, EC’s will be important too.</p>

<p>by top i meant top 30 and thanks for your input. I only took the SAT once so i’m taking it again in December. Aiming for at least a 2250. and yeah my ec’s are fine. but what if you have trouble with community service because of sports, schoolwork, & church? i do it when i can (like during the summer and break) but i think it’s impossible for me to get 200 hours like some people</p>

<p>Folks around here would say for the top 5 or 6 schools, it’s leadership and national rankings that are the threshold, not number of community service hours, but I don’t know. What level of sports do you play? FWIW, my D did ok (NOT Ivy/Stanford ok…) with church, school, and community theater leadership.</p>

<p>“Here” means CC, NOT where I live.</p>

<p>I run track. It was a dissapointing season for me because of a recurring hamstring injury but i did alright. Not on the national level but i aim to make a bleep on the national level this year <hopefully top 20. My main event is the 400m hurdles. I was the fastest at county relays in the event…hurt my hamstring later that day… came out 5th at county individuals a week later. At state sectionals i got 7th and missed advancing to state groups. ran a PR that day because it was hot but it was the worse race (technique-wise) I’ve ever run…lots of stuttering and irregularity in my pacing. THis year i plan to get down to 53sec and break the school record. Wish me luck!</p>

<p>My coach thinks i have the grades and skill to run ivy…I just need to put less pressure on myself. He knows because he helped 2 other good runners in the past get into ivy’s. Also i was on the 2nd team 4x4 team for my area. THis year’s 4x400m team is supposed to be top 10 at least in the state.</p>

<p>So I’m good, but not great. I’m co-capt. this year and each week of track is 20-22 hours–> practice, weightlifting, trackmeets (usually 3-4 hours for a regular season meet & 6-9 for invitationals).</p>