National AP Scholars By JUNIOR YEAR

<p>This is for students who have achieved the National AP Scholar rank by the end of Junior Year and therefore can post it on their college app(people who got it after senior year, this is not for you)</p>

<p>Please Post College you are interested/applying to
each AP taken and # received on each one
SAT Score
SAT Subject Test Scores</p>

<p>For example (for me):
Princeton University</p>

Calculus AB- 5
European History- 5
English Language and Composition- 5
English Literature- 5
Calculus BC (And AB subscore)- 5
U.S. History- 5
Macroeconomics- 4
Microeconomics- 4
Physics C w/ Mechanics- 4</p>

<p>SAT Score- 2360</p>

<p>SAT Subject Tests-
Physics- 800
Math II- 780
World History- 780
U.S. History- 750
Literature- 750</p>

<p>I actually received this award after Sophomore year.</p>

<p>1st choice: Caltech or Harvard
2nd choice: Harvard or Caltech
3rd choice: MIT or Princeton
4th choice: Princeton or MIT
5th + 6th: Yale, Stanford</p>

<p>AP scores: Calculus AB, 5 (fr), Calculus BC, 5 (so), World History, 5 (so), Computer Science A, 5 (so), Macroeconomics, 5 (so), Microeconomics, 5 (so), Statistics, 5 (so), Chemistry, 5 (so), US History, 5 (jr), English Lang, 5 (jr), Psychology, 5 (jr), Human Geography, 5 (jr), Music Theory, 5 (jr), Environmental Science, 5 (jr), Spanish Language, 5 (jr), Physics B, 5 (jr), Biology (fr, cancelled, but taking the class this year), English Lit, 5 (jr, but taking the class this year to raise my GPA, so I don’t think I’m going to list this on my app)</p>

<p>SAT- 2400 [only taken once], -0 MC, 11 essay</p>

<p>Subject tests: Math 2 (Freshman) 800, Biology M (Freshman) 800, Chemistry (Sophomore) 800, US History (Junior) 800, Physics (Junior) 800, English Literature (Junior), 800</p>

<p>LOL you took 5+ subject tests?</p>


I would say ■■■■■, but you have like 1.3k+ posts :P</p>

<p>Anyways, I’m a junior, I got the award for my tests taken through my sophomore year (I realize I’m wording this kind of weirdly :P)
Human Geography, Physics B, Calculus BC
Stats, Physics C Mech, Physics C E&M, Chem, World History
(Everything is a 5 except a 4 on chem :,( )
Haven’t taken, 211 PSAT last year, most recent practice tests are 2300ish, so probably like a low 22xx right now :stuck_out_tongue:
Subject Tests:
Taking in November, probably an 800 on math and hopefully an 800 on physics?
Maybe Chem and US in June?
Wherever else I get in, heh…</p>

<p>What exactly is the point of this? But anyway…</p>

<p>Princeton SCEA </p>

<p>1/130, 4.0</p>

<p>US (5)
Micro (5)
Macro (5)
Euro (5)
Geo (5)
Environ (5)
Lit (5)
Bio (5)
Psych (5)
I go to a small, rural school with only a couple APs so the majority of those are self-study.</p>

<p>SAT IIs: 780 Lit, 790 USH</p>

<p>SAT I: 2210 (retook yesterday, hoping for +2300)</p>

<p>Bobtheboy, you took 17 AP’s and got 5’s in all?
Are you an AP State Scholar?</p>

<p>Applying to several schools (Harvard SCEA first, though)</p>

<p>SAT: 2400 (first (and only) time)</p>

<p>Subject Tests: 800 Chemistry, 800 Math II, 780 US History, 780 Physics, 740 French</p>

<p>Sophomore AP Exams: French Language (5), European History (5), Physics B (5), Calculus BC (5)</p>

<p>Junior AP Exams: English Language (5), Physics C: Mech (5), Physics C: E&M (5), Chemistry (5), US History (5), Music Theory (5), Psychology (5), Chinese Language and Culture (5), Environmental Science (5)</p>



<p>No. I don’t know if I will even be after this year, since I believe last year’s winner took something like 26 AP exams.</p>

<p>I don’t know what I am, but I know I got some special award. I took five APs last year and got four 5s and one 4.</p>

<p>What an inane thread. :P</p>

<p>Colleges: MIT, Stanford, UChicago, Caltech, Harvey Mudd, Carnegie Mellon, Berkeley, other UCs, UIUC, Cal Poly</p>


Physics B (5) (self-study)</p>

Calc BC (5) (self-study)
Chemistry (5)
CS A (5) (self-study)
English Lang (5) (self-study)
Music (4)
Physics C: Mech (5) (self-study)
Physics C: E&M (4) (self-study) (very sad, retaking this year)
Psych (5) (self-study)
Stats (5)
US History (5)</p>

<p>SAT: 2360 (790 CR/800 M/770 W, 76 MC, 10 essay), second try as a sophomore</p>

<p>Subject tests: Bio M (770, 9th), Chem (800, 10th), Physics (800, 10th), Math 2 (800 10th), USH (780, 11th)</p>

<p>I would have taken Calc BC freshman year, but my counselor said that wouldn’t allow me to skip any math classes… Stupid freshman me. After looking at you guys, I feel like even more of a n00b -_-</p>


  1. Harvard
  2. Stanford
  3. MIT</p>

US History 5
Biology 5
Calc AB 5
Chemistry 5
US Gov 5
Eng Lang 5
Macro 5
Micro 5
Psych 4
SAT Score:
2330 750 800 780
SAT Subject Test Scores:
800 Chem 800 Math II</p>

<p>I know maybe people who try to fit in APs before junior year in order year to achieve National AP scholar, and I’m doing the same myself.</p>

<p>However, how does the actual award/achievement of National AP scholar weigh in on college admissions? Does it improve your chances?</p>

<p>Just curious.</p>

<p>How are you so good at these APS!! I’m so jealous. How do you study? No matter how hard I try on the Comps Sci AP this year I only got a 3 :frowning: @bobtheboy‌ </p>

<p>@tryhardalay‌ this thread is 3 years old bobtheboy hasn’t posted in 2 years. Please don’t revive old threads unnecessarily. </p>

<p>@tryhardalay Mods, for some reason, do care and say the same things all the time. Members sometimes just copy. </p>

<p>@bobtheboy Teach me your ways. :D</p>

<p>Colleges- haven’t done proper research, so far definitely UMD and very likely cornell</p>

Calc BC (5)
APWH (5)</p>

Lang (5)
Physics C Mech (5)
Physics C E&M (5)
Macroecon (5)
Microecon (5)
Chem (5)</p>

<p>Sat: 2340 (one sitting)</p>

<p>No subject tests yet, planning on Math II and Chem in Oct</p>

<p>Nat. AP Scholar by Jr. year
1st CSU Sacramento
2nd UC Berkeley</p>

<p>And I got rejected from Berkeley :P</p>