National Hispanic Recognition Program

<p>Nothing here yet, but it should be anytime now. The NHRP website says mid-Sept; itsv reports Oct-Nov in post #219 of this thread (I don’t know her source, but she’s always reliable :)).</p>

<p>My son is looking at UT Austin, and Baylor. We live in Texas. He is likely National Hispanic Merit ( PSAT 204). We have not been notified, but I think his score is where he needs to be. I understand U Texas at Austin does not recognize this award with financial award. Do you know if they take it into account on admissions? He is also not an automatic admit ( NOT TOP 8% at his school)
Good student though SAT 2120, Good Subject scores 720 Math, GPA 3.66</p>

<p>Got my letter from the collegeboard today confirming that I am a national hispanic scholar.</p>

Yes, NHRP should be taken into consideration as an academic honor by schools. Of course how much weight it will have in admissions will vary with different colleges. Best of luck to your son!</p>

<p>Congrats duermomucho!</p>

<p>I’m new here and i just got told by my guidance counselor what being a finalist meant.</p>

<p>Does anyone know if their are school that give scholarships for being a finalist but not a scholar?</p>

<p>Still nothing up here for my D from GC on NHRP–they mailed you directly to notify you that you won? I thought letters went out to GC, Did not know we could get a letter from the college board as a backup. Great news for you congratulations! Hope we get ours soon. Many applications to fill and so little time.</p>


<p>ashmonkey, I don’t know of any schools that give scholarships for finalist. If anyone has heard otherwise, please post, that would be great information for ashmonkey and other members.</p>

<p>Whoops, got the snail mail notification today and it is still only Sep. 23 so College Board did well and got them out earlier than I expected. One less thing to worry about. My D got NHRP Scholar she has 3.8 unweighted GPA.</p>

<p>NHRP Commended is the same award but only means the student did not meet the minimum GPA bar, I think 3.0 but it could be 3.5. Either way its a good honor. Only 5000 our of 300,000 hispanic students received the honor. GOOD LUCK TO ALL!

<p>PS I have not heard of NHRP Finalist, only National Merit Scholar Finalist and National Merit Scholar Commended. Of the Finalists some wind up scholars and the rest I assume wind up listed as Finalists but not Scholars. I think many colleges offer some scholarships for the NM Scholar and mayne NM Scholar Finalist but do not think they offer it for National Merit Scholar Commended, which is what my daughter got. Its based off the PSATs, it would be far better if NM Scholarships were based off the SAT as that is a better representation of the student overall and a much more comprehensive test. Anyway, NHRP and National Merit Commended Scholar is okay for me since NHRP can sometimes get scholarships at some schools.</p>

<p>Still waiting for the letter in Florida!</p>

<p>Nothing yet for S2 in Florida either.</p>

<p>My son just received his notice yesterday. I was thinking it was a good thing. But after reading some of these posts, it seems as though it isn’t as good as I thought. There is so much work to locate the full ride scholarships and there seems to always be a catch. Anyone facing the same problem??</p>

<p>While there may still be catches, most of the footwork has been done by fellow CC member itsv here:</p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I think this is a very nice award that combines academic achievement (tests and grades) with Hispanic heritage. Congrats to all who have received it. One positive benefit is that NHRP students will be contacted by colleges and these students may receive information about the many great programs at outstanding universities and colleges. </p>

<p>In terms of scholarships, there are always steps to the process. Some universities combine the Hispanic Scholar designation with other requirements (e.g. minimum test scores) for scholarships. And still others say the students are “eligible.” You have to go through the process. The list on this forum prepared by itsv is very helpful.</p>

<p>One of the more generous offers I have seen is at Auburn University, although it also requires a 1330 SAT or 30 ACT. Here’s the link: </p>

<p>[National</a> Scholars](<a href=“]National”></p>

<p>My son in CA just received his official NHRP letter from the college board yesterday that he has been designated NHRP scholar YEA! The letter also indicated that his high school would also receive a letter along with a certificate to be presented to him. Very excited since all three of my nieces received this award over the last ten years and have received great educations because of it. So what my son learned at a very young age (even though he is only half mexican) is “Mark the Hispanic Box” and also the very first question he heard from me after he took his PSATs “Did you mark the Hispanic Box?” Very excited and congratulations to all the rest of you who recieve this letter over the next couple of days! PS As a side note and heads up, Im finding non-hispanic people Ive told are not receptively as excited (a few rolling of the eyes) Oh well, Im a very proud mom just the same!</p>

<p>got it today in WA.</p>

<p>No word here yet, but congrats to all who have been notified of recognition!</p>

Yes, unfortunately there will always be detractors. Stay proud, you’ve done a great job!</p>

<p>My daughter got her official NHRP Scholar letter from the College Board today (we are in CA)!</p>

<p>Congrats to your D BVMomof2! D2 got her letter today too!</p>

Congratulations to your D2! No, its not a ticket for a full ride at Princeton but its nothing
to sneeze at and most kids or their parents who are hispanic have had to overcome obstacles that many do not face in the all white world of suburbia. I know my wife learned English at age 16 and still had to pass all her HS classes in English. In one generation she got herself into college and now her daughter is getting a small break which is a direct reward for my wife’s education and hard work raising kids while working and being their primary coach and motivator in learning and studying hard-it wasn’t me. </p>

<p>So let the eyes roll. The eye rollers never got denied a job for their accent and never had to endure comments from their caucasian in laws about how lucky they were to be marrying someone in my family-what a joke! I mean, I never understood what racism was until I married into a hispanic family with 9 brother and sister in laws and watched how much harder just looking different and having an accent stigmatized many of my extended family to the point they felt they could not reach for the position in life where my wife dared to reach for professionally. It is sad that we treat fellow humans so inhumanely and then add insult to injury by begrudging them a small incentive that tries to compensate them for the hardships that caused so many in their families to not make it in one generation but need 2, or 3 or some never fully reach assimilation for many reasons. </p>

<p>fA hispanic child gets an NHRP as a reward for becoming part of the melting pot that so many on the right are always indignant that some cultures do not embrace fully. And yet when they succeed in getting an award like this, eyes roll instead of them having the common humanity and understanding that not all ethnic groups have had it as hard as African Americans, Latinos, and of course Native Americans. All of us arrived from somewhere else except for NAs but not all faced the hurdles faced from the 1950s until now. I Love Lucy was considered controversial in the late 50s, now latinos are the fastest growing part of the US population. Yep, they love family…and that is the one thing I learned to appreciate the most from my in laws, wife and now my own mixed latino children. </p>

<p>Only 5000 students receive NHRP awards out of I am sure half a million or more hispanic/latino students taking the PSAT. It is something to be proud to achieve but it is no great achievement as a race that only 5000 kids can surpass the cutoff to get this award. It shows that their is not equality yet in educational opportunity for latinos or we would see the cutoffs moving to numbers approaching the National Merit Scholar levels. Until that time let their eyes roll because it is simply showing a lack of understanding of the achievement and hard work it took for our kids to get to this place.</p>

<p>I did not start this to pontificate but it makes me angry that anyone feels they should feel guilty about getting this–ITS NOT WELFARE–its exactly the opposite and why its even questioned is beyond me. </p>

<p>So. be proud of your kids whether they won an award or came close. i am grateful to you Entomom for being such a helpful and well centered advocate on this board. You have helped me a great deal as have others like itsv. Now the hard work begins, getting applications off, hunting down schools and scholarships. Good luck to all and I hope to be posting some happy news in April. Will pop back occasionally but my D has about 10 applications to fill out–yeah we are not going to do it the easy way. Thanks again and congratulations to all winners of NHRP. You will have letters mostly by next week at the latest or you can call the college board and they can tell you if your D/S is in their database as I did. Regards,

<p>----duermomucho wrote----</p>

<h2>“Got my letter from the collegeboard today confirming that I am a national hispanic scholar.”</h2>

<p>Duermomucho congratulations to you too (means sleeps a lot for any gringos like me)</p>

<p>No puede dormir mas “duermomucho”- Congratulations Sangano! Puede dormir cuando terminar en la universidad. Que le vaya bien!
WLM :D</p>