National Leadership Forum

<p>So I got this "National Youth Leadership Forum on Defense, Intelligence, and Diplomacy" thing in the mail today. I'm kind of assuming that it's on about the same level as Who's Who, but I thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. Is this thing legit and worth it?</p>

<p>Check the archives and you'll find other posts about it. The bottom line is that it's not an honor (the sponsor probably buys lists of students who sign up for the ACT or SAT), it can be an interesting experience, if paying for it would cause any hardship, it's not worth it; it won't impressed colleges or scholarship committees, though you may have experiences that you find valuable.</p>

<p>I have a different opinion about this. My son did attend the National Youth Leadership Forum on medicine. It was a very rewarding experience and I think if you actually attend it will look impressive on your application. Good luck.</p>