National Merit Scholarship and Summers abroad

<p>Hi, this might have already be covered, but I think I heard that I can use 2 of my 10 tuition-covered semesters for summer semesters. I think I also heard that UA would pay my tuition for a semester abroad at another university. So my question is, if I take 2 summers abroad at other universities, will that tuition still be paid? Please correct me if any of this is wrong! Thanks!</p>

<p>Contact Scholarships to be sure.</p>

<p>As I understand it, if you signed up for a summer abroad, you would be given a semester’s worth of tuition (about $12,000). You would use that towards the int’l school’s tuition (which likely will be LOWER than $12k). So you would be able to use the profit to pay for housing, etc. (you will want to pay the tuition directly…not have the school do so…so you can keep the profit)</p>

<p>But, check with Scholarships to be sure.</p>

<p>Email <a href=“”></a> mention that you are a NMF with 10 semesters of tuition.</p>