National Writing Board

<p>Has anyone used this service? It is run through the Concord Review and critiques research papers. How would a college interpret a good evaluation?</p>

<p>lol one kid used it at my school but it is a really long work and requires a lot of research and stuff so unless u are interested in history, you really shouldn't do it.
If you get a really good score, then it may say something about ur writing, but as far as I know/heard, it's really rare for a good score and you should be interested in history to do it.
btw that dude did it just for college and he failed miserably</p>

<p>I am familiar with the service. If you are <em>really</em> into history (think reading all the history pulitzers, scoring 800s on all the history sat iis without trying very hard at all, acing normal class tests, top of the class, 5s on all the APs, excellent writer, etc....) then I would say consider it. Read some of the examples on the website.</p>

<p>I wouldn't recommend it because of the cost unless you are really really great at history in which case you don't really <em>need</em> it anyway...</p>

<p>bump, anyone else?</p>