<p>I am a Native student applying to Stanford RD.
Is there a large Native community on campus?
I know a lot of people hate it, but will it be any easier for me because of my ethinicity?
I have a 2330 SAT and will have completed 14 APs by the end of this year GPA: 4.72.
<p>I am a Native applicant as well. What percentage are you and what tribe do you belong to? (Note that there is another thread called “Native American” somewhere on the Stanford forum).
Anyway, I’ve talked to many people about this and it does indeed increase your chances because you will “bring something different to campus”, especially if you have been involved with your heritage. Also, Stanford is very dedicated to Native applicants and there is a large Native community on campus, or so I’ve learnt from my research. So, as your stats are quite good, I would say your chances are pretty good. Maybe we will meet each other next year! </p>
<p>By the way, I’ve been put in touch with the Stanford liaison to Native applicants and she is very nice and helpful! I just asked a question about documentation and she said that Stanford does not require any supplemental documents, but do send out an additional information request about your Native heritage. She said it is quite short, but does help them learn more about Native applicants than if they were to just check a box. I found this very impressive. :)!</p>
<p>PM me if you’ve got more questions. It’s nice to see another Native on this forum, there aren’t many!</p>
<p>Wow. I’m impressed. I’d say you have a better chance than I do, because you have URM status. Just work on your essays, and good luck!</p>
<p>Hey, if you want to talk to the liaison I was talking about her name is Adrienne Keene, <a href=“mailto:akeene@stanford.edu”>akeene@stanford.edu</a>.</p>
<p>when i was at the campus tour, they were talking about these themed houses, where half the people in each one will be of that culture( i.e. native american house, black house, jewish house etc)
well i know that this one half black half eskimo kid from my school got in scea if that makes u feel any better</p>
<p>half eskimo, half black; that’s cool. Do you know what his stats were like?</p>