Naviance Recommendation

<p>So I just submitted my EA applications and two of my teachers turned in their recommendations via Naviance. But the thing is I rushed my teacher to get my recs done and didn't hand them until two weeks before 11/1. But I heard teachers' recommendations for EA will also used for RD schools. One of the teacher apparently wrote mine on the 10/31, should I politely ask them to re-write my recs for RDs?</p>

<p>my school uses naviance too, and what you said is true for me also. i thought that wasn’t how it worked; my understanding is that your counselor sends them to all the schools on your application, and not just your ED/EA schools (unless maybe you ask them not to?). that’s what my counselor did. so maybe they’ve already been sent to your RD schools, maybe not. if they haven’t been, then maybe you should ask other teachers if you really doubt that they could write a quality essay in 2 weeks. TRUST THEM! if i were the teacher, i’d be pretty annoyed that this student is asking me for 2 rec letters</p>



<p>Only if something has radically changed…</p>

<p>No you should not. Teachers have enough work to do without being asked to send in more than one recommendation for a student. If I were a teacher, I’d be really irritated and might write a worse second recommendation.</p>

<p>No. Do not ask the teacher to write the recommendation again.</p>