Navy ROTC Scholarsips at Tech

<p>Our son recently received notice he has been selected for a Navy ROTC scholarship at Virginia Tech! This is fantastic news as Tech is his first choice school -- just needs to be accepted into engineering at this point. </p>

<p>A friend, who also received a Navy scholarship but to another school, is considering requesting a transfer of the scholarship to Tech. We have heard that Tech's slots disappear very quickly. It seems that time is of the essence in his case.</p>

<p>Does anyone know how many NROTC scholarship slots Tech has each year????</p>

<p>It never hurts to apply. I’d contact the NROTC unit here directly. I’m sure whoever the admissions officer is would be happy to answer any questions regarding transfers/scholarships.</p>

<p>No question that he will be applying as Tech is his #1 choice. We are currently waiting for the official scholarship letter to arrive so that guidance can attach it to his transcript and recommendation letter – hoping that gives him a little extra consideration since tuition will be paid for. The app and essays are done. He just needs to hit send.</p>

<p>Son’s friend is going to wait it out at this point before requesting a transfer of his scholarship. He has a good chance at one of the SAs in which case transferring the scholarship will not matter.</p>