<p>[Saban:</a> Alabama looking into possible NCAA violation - NCAA Football - CBSSports.com](<a href=“http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/story/13656662/saban-alabama-looking-into-possible-ncaa-violation?tag=pageRow;pageContainer]Saban:”>http://www.cbssports.com/collegefootball/story/13656662/saban-alabama-looking-into-possible-ncaa-violation?tag=pageRow;pageContainer)</p>
<p>Joking with the title lol</p>
<p>[College</a> Football: How a Nick Saban precedent could change NCAA-NFL relations - ESPN](<a href=“College Football: How a Nick Saban precedent could change NCAA-NFL relations - ESPN”>College Football: How a Nick Saban precedent could change NCAA-NFL relations - ESPN)</p>
<p>Insider article, so you can’t see the whole thing unless you are a member, but this is interesting. </p>
<p>I doubt much will come from this, at least for Bama(trouble with the NCAA).</p>
<p>However, Saban needs to walk a fine line with scouts being “banned”. Obviously he hasn’t done it yet, but he’s thinking about it, and I think he realizes the repercussions of banning NFL agents from college football, mostly with recruiting. Granted, like the above says in quotes, if Alabama does it, most of the other schools will follow suit, but I could see a couple holding out in hopes for an edge with recruiting. However, if it is an NCAA-wide ban, this wouldn’t be a problem. </p>
<p>I hope the NCAA does something. The University/football staff can’t be held accountable for everything their student-athletes do when they are off the football field. Case in point, look at the current USC situation. I’m sure there are other coaches that would be highly in favor of this, and having Nick Saban to lead the call would certainly help their cause. </p>
<p>Oh, and did I get anyone with the thread title haha?</p>