Necessary to complete major requirements?

<p>I am currently attend a CC with intentions of transferring to UCLA. I will complete all my general education requirements for UCLA but i will most likely not finish my major requirements. The class that i will probably not be able to take before transferring is a physics class. Is it necessary to complete all the classes required for my major? Will it hurt my chances if i do not complete it?</p>

<p>Major: computer science (impacted at UCLA)
gpa: 3.8</p>

<p>Since your major is impacted I would say yes. UCLA and Berkeley are both very picky about the pre-reqs that are missing especially if they are for impacted majors.</p>

<p>Focus on your majors over your general ed, especially at an impacted major. If it was less impacted I’d say it was okay if it was just one, but it’s not.</p>