Need a recommendation about how to help

<p>my D improve in her AP calculus AB class. My daughter is having not an easy time in this class. She's not failing, but I think she needs some additional help to really take advantage and do well in this class. Does anyone have a recommendation for a book that offers detail and good explanations so she can do additional exercises on her own? or is there a better way to help her with AP calculus? thanks a lot.</p>

<p>If your D’s school is local she might be able to arrange a study group. AP Calc is difficult for many students. At my D’s private school, which wasn’t local, there was an after-school study group.</p>

<p>NeHppe33, thanks for your comments. I think I didn’t explain the situation clearly. My D attends a private hs. The hs has a tutoring program from faculty from the Math department, and the instructor has very generous office hours to help students. However, my D for whatever reason don’t show up to ask for help. I paid a private tutor for her, but I discovered that she doesn’'t make an effort to do exercises on her own. She just go to the private tutor and do exercises with tutor. I think that learning math is more about doing exercises and asking questions when one needs some help understanding a concept. Maybe the real problem is lack of motivation?</p>

<p>Calculus is conceptually difficult for some people. My wife is one, and she has a Ph.D in a life sciences field. BUT, she knew it was important to pass her college courses so she made extreme efforts to do so. </p>

<p>A heart-to-heart talk may be in order, one that acknowledges that Calculus can be very difficult, but that Calculus is one of the courses that separates students (and later, employees) at the top level. It can be learned, but not without effort. And you might consider providing a little incentive, perhaps “Hon I know it’s hard, but it’s also important, so if you don’t get at least a B then you’re going to have to take it again in summer school.” JMHO.</p>

<p>NewHope33, thanks so much for giving me such a great idea.</p>