Need Advice About Transferring

<p>So my current situation is complicated. I currently go to Sonoma State University as a first time freshman and am totally disliking it. I wanted to transfer to another Cal State after this year but in order to transfer i would need 60 units which i will not have by the time i want to transfer. So my question is would it look bad if i went to a community college to finish the rest of my general ed and then apply to let say, csu la? Would it be harder to get accepted because i hear it is an impacted school and are giving first dibs to ftf and transfers from around the local area (If i do go back to community college I will be in the local area of csu la). And also my major is criminal justice and it is an impacted major. Should i just forget this idea? Would i be able to get into any other csu campuses is csula fails?</p>

<p>Will you live in the local LA area if you go to a CC?
If so, then transferring to CSU LA is a viable option.</p>

<p>Your best bet is to go to seek advice directly from a transfer adviser at Sonoma State. Since they counsel kids who are looking for CSU entry from community colleges, they will have a good idea as to your future admission profile. Make an appointment and get as much time as you can with someone who knows the most current ins-and-outs of this rapidly changing systems.</p>

<p>Be candid with them as to your transfer intentions.
Tell them that you’re not happy there and are planning to transfer back to the LA area.
Ask them for help in plotting the best course.
You can choose if you want to let them know why or not. It’s not unusual for kids in the LA area to be uncomfortable with the more rural nature of Sonoma and want to move back down to So Cal, but sharing the details of your reasoning is totally up to you.</p>

<p>Note that if you do enroll at a California CC, you should make an appointment with a transfer counselor at the CC as soon as you possible can.</p>

<p>The difference between spending two years with a transfer guarantee (TAG) and three years of trying to figure out which classes will qualify you for Jr. & Sr. years at a CSU can often be that one appointment.</p>

<p>I will be living in the local LA area if i went to a CC. Thank you so much! This helped a lot.</p>