Need advice and tips, CC student want to transfer to UC for biology

I just graduated from high school last June, these are all the classes I have taken so far. I have one C in psychology but I am going to talk to my counselor about it soon, I dont have any extracurricular and I dont volunteer. I do not have a car so it is difficult to do those things. I just want to raise my GPA to 3.7 at the least which i think is manageable I have to take Chem 68, 101, 102, 211, etc and biology 6,40,46, etc and I am taking my last to calculus classes come summer session, Cal 1 and Calc 2, which i am certain I will get two As in.
I have no idea what to do about these classes as i was hoping to be out of community college in two years, but with these classes i expect itll take longer. i made two counselors appointments this week.
What volunteer work should i do and what clubs should i join at school? i have been thinking about joining STEM club. And i
have been thinking to start my own club and i am joining the TAP at college. Pleasse if anyone has experience in this please give me advice and tips.!! thank you
MY grades

Art 103 A
Psych 1 C
Psych 2 B
English 28 A
English 101 and 103 A
Math 125 B
Counseling 1 A
Math 120 B
Currently taking Pre-Cal math 259
Biology 7
GPA is about 3.3