I am an incoming freshman to UCD, and I just realized that the summer orientation dates are all during the time that I am out of the country. I have less than an hour left to decided whether or not to cancel my plane tickets oof
Is it okay if I miss orientation? Will I be at a significant disadvantage if I do?
Thank you!
Unable to Attend?
Students unable to attend First-Year Orientation need to log on to MyAdmissions, click on the Orientation “Sign-Up” link and complete the “Questionnaire” page. Under the question “Will you be attending Orientation?” select “No,” marking a reason why, and click the “Save and Continue” button at the bottom of the page. Students will be emailed detailed information on how to complete the activities covered during First-Year Orientation independently, such as taking placement exams, picking a class schedule, registering for classes, learning about campus resources, etc. This information, as well as any other important campus updates, will be sent to the student’s UC Davis email account, so the account should be checked often.
First-Year students who do not attend Orientation will have pass appointment (course registration) times in mid to late August.