I’m an upcoming sophomore, and what I’m asking for is what the title says. I’m taking 3 rigorous classes in the upcoming school year, AP Biology(no biology and chemistry experience), AP World History, and English 2 Honors. Along with that, I am hopefully going to be in the school’s orchestra. I’m going to have a large load of work because of AP Bio, so I would like to know any tips for using my time wisely so I can perform well in school. Any advice will be helpful, thanks.
Is it normal for students at your school to take AP Bio without any prior bio or chem experience? At my school, both honors bio and honors chem are prereqs for AP Bio. If it’s normal at your school, I suggest you go over basic biology and chemistry information over the summer, because I think you’re expected to know basics before taking AP. That way, you’ll have less to learn over the school year.
I guess I have enough time to go over that information this summer, thanks!
AP World History is easy, but the scores on the AP exam are dismal so hopefully you have a good teacher.
AP Biology will be very hard since you don’t have previous biology or chemistry experience. Good luck, and try looking over some biology concepts (although that will not replace a full biology course.
English 2 Honors shouldn’t be that hard, so just practice writing and reading and analysis and you should be fine.
Why in the world are you taking AP bio if you’ve taken neither honors biology nor honors chemistry? Are you a freshman? A sophomore?
Some AP classes are conceived as a more in-depth version of an honors class - us history vs. Apush for instance. You can take them without specific preparation.
Other AP classes are conceived as the end of a sequence and you need each step in the sequence to have a shot at making it in the ap class. The sequence would be honors biology -> honors chemistry -> AP biology or AP chemistry; + one year of physics (honors physics or AP physics 1). Alternatively the sequence would be honors biology, honors chemistry, AP physics 1, AP physics c.
Skipping both honors biology and honors chemistry is insane and I wonder how your GC and/or your parents could have agreed to it.
AP Biology is a sophmore class at my school, and literally everybody takes that class without bio/chem experience.
I know, it sounds crazy, but that’s how it works. But it’s not too bad, because many students taking AP Bio have already successfully completed AP Environmental Science, which give us an understanding of concepts such as Biodiversity, Ecology, Populations, and Evolution, just to answer your question.