Taking AP Bio without taking honors first?

My regular bio class is a complete joke. I always end up getting over 100 on every test due to the large curve. I like biology and my future career will involve a lot of it (nursing)
Will I feel behind due to not taking honors instead?
What are the best prep books?
I’m also taking Physiology/Anatomy and Microbiology along with Honors Chemistry next year so would I be alright in AP Bio if I apply myself?
I’m aware that it will be 1000x more in depth than regular bio but I’m willing to try my best. So is it possible to take AP Bio but having not taken Honors Biology and do well?

*Note: I would take AP Biology senior year and Honors Chem, Physiology/Anatomy, and Microbiology as a junior.

Firstly Is the same teacher teaching biology
Second Do you believe that you excel in biology or was the class just easy?
Third If you are going to take AP biology your senior year I assuming your a softmore u have the summer to study. I would suggest Khan academy or the get the book that your school uses for biology.
-PS Im taking AP Biology currently

Nope, it’s a different teacher.
A little bit of both. I find Biology interesting but the class is easy

Regular Biology should be prerequisite enough for AP Biology as it itself is an introductory course.

I also agree with Quad Master Biology is required but sometimes this may not be the case and students can skip. Are you allowed to do that in your school. Also to take AP biology you must take chemistry or be taking chemistry which is not a problem for you. Make sure to pay attention in that class. Study a lot over the summer before your senior year take quizzes over the summer online and if you feel like you are ready and haven’t slacked off during the summer then I would say go for it.
PS: Go up to the AP biology teacher and ask her if you can take it senior year or ask her if she has anything to help you study over the summer. I would say do this next year but if you want to be ahead I’m not stopping you.

As mentioned above, regular biology theoretically is enough for AP Biology. That said, your school can set its own prerequisites.

If your school is fine with it, I think you’d be ok. Talk with your current biology teacher and get his/her opinion.