I am currently taking a Calc AB class without AP credit - my school does not teach an AP Calc class anymore. I am trying to decide right now if it would be worth it to take the AP test for it in an attempt to get AP credit for colleges. Taking the AP test would probably be doable, it would require some extra time studying for it which I am a little hesitant to give based on my current year schedule, but I think I would be able to pull it off. My other concern is whether or not I should - while I have an A in the class, I come from a rural area so our teachers aren’t always the best - do you think it would be better for me to retake Calc AB in college to ease into mathematics, and make sure I am well versed in the material? Money isn’t a huge concern right now, I just don’t want to spend $100 recklessly on a test I may not need… any advice?
If you’re confident then go for it. Only you can be the true judge of how you would do.
I’m not so much worried about the exam as if my high school is really preparing me to go to college. I don’t want to get to my university and suddenly find myself in Calc BC with no idea what I am doing because I haven’t been taught Calc AB all the way. Plus, it’s another large time commitment and more stress on my part. I guess at this point it’s rather ridiculous to post asking advice here because you won’t know what I am being taught or my course load already 8-}
You can try the released exams from http://apcentral.collegeboard.com/apc/public/courses/213047.html to see how well you know calculus relative to the AP exam.
When you decide what college to attend, you can try to find old calculus 1 final exams from that college to see how well you know the material from the college’s point of view, so that you can decide whether to take calculus 1 or 2 (assuming that you have AP credit that the college allows you to skip calculus 1 with).
Remember, college calculus courses will cover material faster than high school calculus AB.
You can try getting a textbook and prep book and working at home on your own outside of class too.