<p>I just completed my first year of college, realizing too late that it was not the school for me. I want to transfer, but would perfer not to be a junior transfer...
If I took a year off, tried to get an internship, would that significantly hurt me? I had a high GPA and made dean's list both semester--i want to transfer to top 20 universities (coming from a top 20 university). if i explain this on my application--that i didn't think it was fair to waste my parents money at a place that i wasnt truly happy and decided to take a year break to really examine what it is i want from a university--would they just see it as dropping out? could this extremely back fire and i have no where to go next fall?</p>
<p>bump. btw, i decided to study abroad instead of going back for my sophomore year on campus. i'm still not sure it was the greatest idea in terms of transfering, considering my grades will be pass/fail. but, i figure if you can do something spectacular in that time off and display it beautifully in writing, then it might be worth it. for me, i'm going on a search for my family's history. we'll see what happens. but definitely do something good.</p>
<p>I agree with heybulldog. Do something during your time away which will stand out, and seem worth the time away. When you apply to a different uni, o/p, please do not put that you just were not happy at your old uni. Make it seem like the uni you are applying to would be more challenging or something like that, you know.</p>
<p>I would look up and research internships now and double check to see if you have to be a full time student or not. Where I live, the unemployment rate is horrible, so you can only do an internship if you are a full time student. And, there are barely any internships anyway.</p>
<p>O/P? do you know for sure what you could like to be in life? If you know for sure, market yourself to companies or organisations in your area and work for free ten hours a week or so, just to learn.</p>
<p>bumping my own thread because i really need advice....</p>
<p>I am in yout exacy posioton, but not a top 20 university. For the coming year I am going to a cc, and will be applying this fall to universities I feel are better for me.</p>