Need contact name/info re: status of OOS full tuition scholarship!

<p>We were in Birmingham, Alabama yesterday and had time to take a side trip to Tuscaloosa to check out the UA campus. Wow! My D was accepted but it wasn’t really on her radar of top choices. Not so today. So my husband calls UA and talks to three different people regarding status of D: is she still able to get the OOS full tuition scholarship? He got three different answers, none of which were particularly enlightening. So does anyone know who to contact for the definitive answer? Did I say, wow? Now I get what you folks are talking about.</p>

<p>Forgot to mention, her acceptance letter made no mention of scholarship award. And, her transcripts weren’t sent by her high school until after Christmas break. God bless her guidance office. Also - her scores are above UA’s cutoff for OOS full tuition scholarship.</p>

<p>Glad to hear that you all liked the campus.</p>

<p>Acceptance letters never mention scholarships.</p>

<p>What DATE did she apply?</p>

<p>When were her scores sent?</p>

<p>When did the school send her transcript?</p>

<p>when was she accepted? when did she get her admissions letter?</p>

<p>What office did you talk to about scholarships? Admissions? FA office? Scholarship office?</p>

<p>the person to contact is:</p>

<p><a href=“”></a></p>

Most important: thanks for the info about acceptance letters not mentioning scholarships. That’s a relief.</p>

<p>I don’t know the exact submittal date for the UA application and scores but I do know they were submitted before deadline in November/December in order to be considered/prioritized for an OOS scholarship. D got email/or checked her mybama account over the break and found out about the missing transcripts. Her school sent them Jan 4 (first day of spring classes). D’s acceptance came about two weeks later. Dad contacted admissions first and then was transferred to scholarships where he talked to two others, not Amber Capell, whom he’ll contact today. Thanks again and I’ll report back either way.</p>

<p>If your H doesn’t get a positive response from Amber, go directly to Mary Spiegel (Amber’s top boss). <a href=“”></a></p>

<p>Mary is the Executive Director of Admissions. This area is under her. She has the power to make the scholarship happen if necessary.</p>

<p>If you do need to contact Mary, be very polite. Mention that the apps and scores were sent in well before the deadline, but you weren’t aware that the school had been remiss about sending transcripts until over the Christmas break. Of course, you had to wait til school resumed after the new year and the scores were sent on Jan 4. </p>

<p>Let us know how it goes. </p>

<p>When you contact Amber and Mary, be sure to have the CWID ready.</p>

<p>Husband spoke to Amber so it’s in the works. Your response is right on the money. If D’s high school will write a note about the transcript issue, then we’re good. And of course our school system just shut down for tomorrow due to the impending storm but will let you know how it goes ASAP. THANKS!</p>

<p>Oh good. Let us know how it all works out.</p>


<p>Not good… the high school says she didn’t request the transcript in Nov/Dec. We could take it higher but we can go with UTK if she decides to select a land grant university. I really cannot imagine that my kid didn’t request transcripts. She’s the most organized human on earth. She’ll make the decision this week to pursue or drop.</p>

<p>Oh bummer! How does a school know/record when a student asks for transcripts? Did the school send one in the last week or two? Or did they still not bother to send one? </p>

<p>@Knox – I would be marching to the school and fight them - NOT let your daughter do it. All they have to do is tell Bama that an error occurred at the school. They don’t need to point fingers as to where the ball was dropped. I am all for letting my kids handle their own issues, but there comes a time that parent involvement can get a better response. Been there, done that.</p>

I agree with Longhaul. I (the parent) would handle this with the high school and do as Longhaul suggested. </p>

<p>Also agree that it is time for you to get involved. We are potentially talking thousands of dollars over the next four years. I am all for letting the kids learn their own life lessons thorugh hard knocks…just not at this level.</p>

<p>Knoxpatch, I agree with the others about your involvement. My son’s Knoxville area high school has had 3 different counselors in four years for the 2014 class. I went in to change something this past summer and was told the counselor had left after just one year on the job and a new one was coming on board for their senior year. Fortunately, our son was only interested in Alabama so we were able to wrap things up in August. </p>

<p>Thanks, everyone for your advice and good thoughts. My D decided to withdraw her app/acceptance from Alabama. </p>

<p>Side note: We were at the UTK Chancellor’ Honors Program reception yesterday and again I got heartburn over the Big Orange Screw. Yes, D has got the Volunteer ($6K) scholarship which when combined with the Hope/GAMs ($5K) is significant for in-state. Still, it is annoying if not embarrassing to have the CHP director display her first slide with a misspelled word (principal/principle). She could not answer basic stat-based questions about the program: what’s the attrition rate, how many get research grants, how many go to grad school, professional school, work. The admissions rep showed two Youtube commercials from the Olympics. I am not kidding. Then the housing rep announced that they’ve got honors housing for 75% of the CHP freshmen students (300) in the new dorm (Brown) so fork over the $250 acceptance deposit to get in line IN CASE D decides on UTK. I detest UT. You would think Chancellor Jimmy Cheek “might could” (one of his fave phrases) turn the tables if he wants UTK to be a top 25 university by offering ALL the top talent a bed in the new housing. Bless his heart. I hope we get a great financial aid package from one of the LACS (Berry, Rhodes, Birmingham-Southern, Davidson, Wofford) and can tell UTK to stuff it. </p>

<p>Good luck to you and your D. </p>

<p>Knoxpatch, I’m sorry to hear that you didn’t have the best experience at UTK. As a current Knoxville resident, I do feel like they are finally on the right track. I’m excited about the new dorms for 2016 and other improvements that are in the works. With that said, my vote is for Berry! We lived there before moving to TN and it is an amazing place. I miss the Old Mill, Candlelight Christmas at Oak Hill, the swans, and the long hike up to the House of Dreams on the mountain campus. I hope you get an awesome aid package from there!</p>