Need feedback for my activities list on common app

I would like to get feedback on the phrasing of my activities, if whether I can improve it in any way, and if I’ve been able to convey the impact efficiently. Also please suggest if its ordering needs to be changed.

Let me know if I should post my list here or if I can PM.

You can post here IF there is no personally identifying information in your activities. But really…just list your activities starting with the ones you feel are the most significant and important. Brief description. That’s it.

Do not exaggerate what you put on this list.


Because characters are limited, it’s ok to write in sentence fragments, like on a resume where you start each point with an action word. College essay guy has a number of examples on the website, and on multiple pages. Here’s one page:

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Thanks for the information. Please give me feedback on my list below:

Community Service (Volunteer)

Organizing Team Member, Epoch, The Foundation

Helped run biggest high school hackathon with 200+ teens worldwide & raised a $40k budget. Led workshops and talks to teach coding to teens.


Software Developer Intern, Paid Summer Internship, Ltd.

Developed cross-platform apps for Insurance that gained 100k+ users. Developed apps for that raised $1M in funding.

Work (Paid)

Part-time Software engineer Ltd.

Developed apps for one of India’s largest insurance companies with over 1 million users. Shipped a cross-platform app with 500k+ users.

Work (Paid)

Part-time Software Developer, Dimension, Software Pvt. Ltd.

Developed project management tools and infrastructure. Helped build a product from its initial phase to the beta phase that raised $500k in funding.

Community Service (Volunteer)

Lead Organizer, CodeDay

Reached out to 50+ high schools, managed logistics, mentored teenagers, and organized which later grew to 15+ cities.


Founder & Lead Engineer

Developed a cloud storage startup with 1k+ users that ranked #2 on Product Hunt. Awarded a 600k INR grant from OSS foundations.

Work (Paid)

Open Source Maintainer, The Foundation

Published 10 articles & workshops on programming (4.7k monthly visitors), reviewed 40+ pull requests, and maintained a GitHub repo with 2.2k+ stars.

Other Club/Activity

*Club Leader,

Ran weekly meetings, conducted workshops, and helped teenagers learn to code by collaborating together to build programming projects.

You may want to delete this post as it has a lot of identifying information. :smiley::smiley: Just protecting your anonymity.

Either XXX the specific names or share by PM. Great suggestions already from @lkg4answers

Best of luck!

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I have edited it a LOT of identifying info. Please do not post anything that identifies your school or location.

I don’t think I included personal info in my post that got deleted. The edited post above is much cleaner than the original.

OP, I would use more characters telling what “helped run” and “developed” mean. Use the characters to tell more about what you did instead instead of listing company names.

For example, " India’s largest insurance companies with over 1 million users" could be “insurance company with 1M+ users”

Do you need “budget” and “funding”?


Ah oops my bad, sorry about that and thank you for the edits


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