<p>Okay, so I've applied to several summer programs, none of which I have heard from yet. I will be hearing from most of them on the 31st of March or 1st of April. However, let's assume that I do not get into any of them.</p>
<p>I am lucky enough to live fairly close to some great research facilities as well as universities, such as UCLA and LA BioMed. I can do science research, and contact researchers...but, to be honest, I don't want to. I've always done that, and, though it is enjoyable, I want to explore literature.</p>
<p>I love literature and journalism, but I have no idea how to go about doing research in it or anything. Does anyone have any suggestions? I don't want it to be something where I am interning for (ex) the LA Times and all I am doing is filing paperwork. Though, I know that it is extraordinarily difficult, or I assume so at least, considering I'm only in high school and I have no experience, to get a position that I would find worthwhile. </p>
<p>What about just "talking" to professors? Do literature professors publish articles? I'm pretty sure they do, so how can I go about spending my summer doing something correlated with them?</p>
<p>I just feel like there is such a great opportunity to do something incredibly fun, and I really don't know how to take advantage of it.</p>