NEED HELP PLZ: 2 Disciplinary Issues hurt my UC chances?

Hi, I’m applying to UCs this year, but I’ve really been frightened of not getting in bc of 2 incidents. Both were part of extracurriculars related to school.

In the first one, I was given the task of spray painting some art on a wooden board with a partner. Halfway into this task, my partner dared me to spray paint a curve to complete the smiley face he had started with 2 dots. Of course, against my better judgement, I drew the curve. For this incident, I’m unsure if my school put this on my record, though I know they were aware of it. My punishment was handled by my club, who told me I couldn’t go to an event.

The second incident was me playing a prank on another team in a competition and taking their notes. The school saw this as cheating, and this was put on my record. However, since it was an extracurricular, it’s supposedly not being sent to colleges.

Now, my question is that what should I do when applying to UCs. Should I fess up even though that to my knowledge, these incidents might not be sent to colleges if I get accepted into one of the UCs? Thanks.

I think the first thing you need to do is find out what’s on your transcript.

Call or make an appointment with guidance today.

Your actions show a lack of judgment and immaturity. Why would you do something because someone dares you? Colleges want students who can think for themselves. Taking another team’s notes in a competition is cheating and colleges take that seriously. They expel students for honor code violations. See what’s on your transcript and go from there.

immaturity and poor judgement are the hallmark of most people’s teen years.

Get a look at your transcripts and talk to the counselor at your school so you can get a feel for what’s on your ‘permanent record’. If there’s something on your transcript, I’d address it in your personal statement.

How do your stats look?

My UC GPA is 4.12, and I got 1450 on the SAT. I’m also planning to take the SAT subject test Math lvl 2 this year. I have 5 extracurriculars that I focus on heavily, such as some competitions where I got some awards, robotics, and volunteering (about 250 hours and recognition from the California State Assembly) but unfortunately, no real leadership positions. I’ve also taken 5 community college courses in addition to 7 AP classes (I will be taking another 5 for senior year).

Thank you for the advice on a personal statement. In your opinion, how should I address my incidents?

Unless there a big disciplinary black-mark on your transcript, you look like a competitive applicant for all the UCs - I don’t think leadership will be a big factor. My chancing machine says - LA, B and SD are probably 60/40 against you but the rest are 60/40 or better in your favor.

I would caution about taking too many tough classes Sr year. 5 APs is a LOT of work and you will have lots of distractions - you know like college applications and tours, Sr Ball, graduation Sr cut day and all of that. Your Sr rigor (beyond a couple of APs) and GPA won’t do anything to get you into a UC - but a single bad grade can cause a cherished acceptance to be rescinded. These message boards are full of people who lived that experience and had to make last minute scramble to enroll in their local CC. Don’t let that be you.

Why wouldn’t leadership be a big factor?

Have you spoken to your guidance counselor yet to determine what’s actually on your transcript?

Leadership is just one component of the EC category. A lot of kids don’t realize that UCs are primarily interested in GPA and test scores. If you are out of range (below the 25th percentile) your essay and ECs will need to be outstanding as many of those slots are taken by first gen and other special case applicants. As you approach the 75th percentile you don’t need as much extra stuff to stand out. You are well above the mid point GPA and well above the 75th % for SAT at all the UCs except LA, SD and B - which is why I chanced you the way I did. Your ECs as explained above wont sway the results positively or negatively.

@bjkmom , because school has ended, I’m planning to talk to my counselor as soon as school starts up again

@NCalRent, I see. Thank you for this insight.

So you’re going to let this sit for two months?

Your school guidance office is open. They don’t follow a 180 day calendar; they’re busy sending transcripts, working with kids taking summer school, and doing schedules for next year’s students.

@jay16k I agree with @bjkmom - as i also note above, you gotta get a copy of your transcript and talk to your advisor NOW while you have an opportunity to do something about it.

@bjkmom @NCalRent After taking your advice, I just scheduled a meeting with them for tomorrow. I’ll report back as soon as I finish it.

Great. Good luck.

After meeting my counselor, I am at least relieved to say that my 2nd event will not be reported to colleges. However, that still leaves the fact that my first event (the spray paint one) is on my transcript.

I won’t deny that I made a terrible mistake on my application. In addition to addressing it on my personal statement, do you have any other advice to help me?

One persons smiley face is in fact another persons art.

If that is all it was just be honest. You sprayed painted a smiley face on a price of wood. The school didn’t think it was funny and they repreimanded you for it.

I truly believe that you state it honestly and clearly. There’s no minimizing it because it is in fact minor.

Can it be a tie breaker for cal or la with someone who you are essentially tied with? Maybe I think if you show true honesty and own up to it you would be fine.

Both the top UCs are reaches for you and everyone else. If you don’t get in I do not think it’s for the smiley face.