Need help - ucla and ucb admissions

I know it takes more than just good stats to get into UCLA and UCB, but I’m wondering if my stats will make the cut and give me a good chance of getting admitted when paired with my extracurriculars.

10th - 11th grade only:

Unweighted GPA: 3.96 (got 1 B sophomore year)
UC Capped GPA: 4.29
UC Uncapped GPA: 4.62
2 APs sophomore year, 5 APs junior year.

(Ranked top 10 in the nation in badminton and 2x varsity team captain of badminton team, USACO Gold rank, Created a non profit that donated over $5000, badminton club president)

Congratulations on your achievements.

I can’t chance you, but what major did you apply to? Do you live in California? Are the UCs affordable?

Recruited Athlete?
HS course rigor?
CA resident?
Intended major?

Your UC GPA’s make you competitive but so are the majority of applicants. With acceptance rates below 15%, both schools are Reaches but Reachable especially if you are being recruited for Badminton.

2019 Freshman admit rates for UC GPA of 4.20 or above capped weighted and not major specific:

UCB: 38%

UCLA: 35%

2020 UC capped weighted GPA averages along with 25th-75th percentile range:

UCB: 4.22 (4.13-4.30)

UCLA: 4.25 (4.18-4.31)

undeclared engineering, i live in the bay area california, and yes they are

not recruited because badminton isnt a major sport

took 2 APs soph year and 5 APs junior year, all 4s and 5s

Yes CA resident

undeclared engineering

From my understanding, General Engineering/Undeclared is the toughest admit in Engineering for both UCLA and UCB. UCLA’s College of Engineering had a 11% acceptance rate for 2020 but not broken out by major.

UCB’s College of Engineering had a 12.2% acceptance rate for 2020.

Best of luck and make sure you have some solid safety and match schools on your list.

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You are a strong applicant but, they get a lot of those. I’d say they are both 60/40 against.

Apply broadly and good luck.