<p>I am currently taking AP spanish, and it is really really hard. I reallly want to pass, but I need help. Does anyone have any book suggestions or ways to practice? Any help is good help!</p>
<li><p>Get this book: [Amazon.com:</a> Ap Spanish: Preparing for the Language Examination (Spanish Edition): Jose M. Diaz, Margarita Leicher-Prieto, Gilda Nissenberg: Books](<a href=“http://www.amazon.com/Ap-Spanish-Preparing-Language-Examination/dp/0131660942/ref=ed_oe_p]Amazon.com:”>http://www.amazon.com/Ap-Spanish-Preparing-Language-Examination/dp/0131660942/ref=ed_oe_p) practice everyday until the exam. Study the appendixes.</p></li>
<li><p>Go to univison.com and/or BBC Mundo and listen to broadcasts everyday</p></li>
<li><p>Go to google and search for AP Spanish flashcards.</p></li>
<li><p>Practice speaking…find vocabulary lists online and in whatever books you can find.</p></li>
<p>Doing all this with a consistent effort up until May 5 will guarantee you a 4/5 :)</p>
<p>cool, any other advice?</p>
<p>is the barrons book any good?</p>
<p>the Barrons book is spectacular!
<p>Get a Spanish speaking friend or somebody fluent with which you can practice. Immersion, however, is best if possible. Also, read newspapers. The SAT II for Spanish is heavy on colloquialisms if you plan on taking it.</p>