Need help with colleges to apply

<p>Ok lets start with SAT scores. They are not the best but not TOO bad.
710 CR 780 M 690 W
Rank 2/ 360
GPA : 4.0
anyhow this part is specific to MIT app.
Great essays
5 ECs (kind of generic. At least 2 of em' were (NHS and HNHS))
I had an optional essay. I talked about a math formula I invented (kind of a hook. I am really impressed with myself with this formula. It can square any number very quickly. (and no its NOT foil. Its easier than that).)... can't find it on google so it must be new
Had many awards and other things.
Ok now this is me in a nutshell.
I do Have EC's which I don't feel like posting because they are specific to my school and most people wouldn't understand them too well. Lets just say I have average to semi-good EC's
(btw this is all the stuff you could put on the MIt app. So if someoen says more EC's for this app.... then i will respond i couldn't).
SO here is a list
JHU (BME and then engineering if not BME)

<p>This is a very small list for me. I need more schools. I love math and I am looking into engineering but I don't want to totally abandon the science.
I am from WV if that matters. My school has never sent a person to an IV school nor to a school like MIT in the last 10 or so years (according to counselors etc. I go to a very poorly funded school...)
Thanks people for the suggestions.</p>

<p>Bump. Ayudame por favor.</p>

<p>:I had an optional essay. I talked about a math formula I invented (kind of a hook. I am really impressed with myself with this formula. It can square any number very quickly. (and no its NOT foil. Its easier than that).)... can't find it on google so it must be new</p>

<p>Care to elaborate?</p>

<p>Bump. I will elab. later xD.</p>

<p>i dunno what to say
im not that familiar with the schools</p>

<p>gyro, mind pming me the formula and how you derived it? would help me big time on AIME this year</p>

<p>AIME? just wondering. and ineed to empty my inbox.. ugh. i will do it later. just remind mee.</p>