Need help with UW - Madison Application

Hey everyone! I’ve submitted an application to UW - Madison via Early Action. I submitted on November 1st and today is the material receipt deadline. Everything is in except for my transcripts, according to the school’s portal. However, on my common app, the letters of recommendation say that it is “downloaded”. Does this mean that UW - Madison has them and that it’s taking a while for the portal to update? Please let me know ASAP. Thanks!

You should contact UW Mad.

  1. Check with your guidance counselor to be sure the transcripts were sent
  2. Check with UW-Madison to be sure they were received.

As best I recall, “downloaded” on the Common App means the school has received the item.

As long as the materials have been sent on time, whether or not someone at UW admissions has actually paired items sent by third parties with your application materials is not likely to be a concern. You could email the general admissions contact address with that question,

Thanks to all those who replied! I’ve emailed the admissions office and have since learned that internal processing will not affect my decision to apply as an Early Action applicant. All my materials were already sent about 4 days before the application deadline, however, it has taken them until November 7th to process all of the materials necessary.