<p>Hi, I'm a high school student from Bangladesh, intending to major in Maths and/or Physics.</p>
<p>Here's my profile:</p>
<p>SAT Reasoning - 2230 [CR - 700 (95th percentile), M - 740 (97th percentile), W - 790]</p>
<p>SAT Subject - [Math 1C - 760, Physics - 750, Chemistry - 760]</p>
<p>High School Programme - International Baccalaureate (IB)
Current grade - 11 (graduating May '07)
High school courses with predicted scores:</p>
<p>Student of the Year - 2006 Obtained certificates of achievement for Physics, Math, Spanish, Economics and English; in Grade 11 President, "Roots and Shoots" Environmental Club Stage Manager, Annual School Play '06 Taught under-privilegerd children in a primary school Created a spanish website for fellow "ab initio" students Contributed in the school newspaper at times Regularly help out in different school-based events such as photo exhibitions, cultural programs, sports events, fairs etc. Play Guitar (have a metal band of my own) and Tabla (Asian Drums)</p>
<p>Colleges considering to apply to:</p>
<p>Ivies: Princeton, Brown, Cornell</p>
<p>Top tier LACs: Williams, Swarthmore, Amherst</p>
<p>Match: ??? (...feel free to make recommendations)</p>
<p>Safety: Reed College (OR), Trinity College (CT), Lafayette College (PA), University of Texas at Dallas (I've got family there)</p>
<p>NOTE: I need a lot of aid!!!
Please suggest names of schools that are generous with financial aid and scholarships to internationals.
I can probably pay only upto $5000, annually.</p>