Need quick advice!!! PLEASE!!!

<p>I'm a junior in HS so I need a score I'm satisfied with before ED apps are due in OCT/NOV. I got a 1290 SAT and 30 ACT. I'm signed up for the SAT II's in June. Should I take the ACT over on the June date? (I just took it in April) I think if I retake the SAT in October then my scores won't be ready in time for ED apps! Any help??? Anyone know anything I don't? Am I missing something? I don't know what to do.</p>

<p>what schools are you applying ed to?...your act/sat score may be good enough already....</p>

<p>Possibly William and Mary, but I don't really know yet.</p>

<p>i need a response today please!!!</p>

<p>Are you in state or out? This is important since William and Mary is a VA state school. If you are out of state, your SAT is a bit low. You will probably need around 1350 (CR+M)if you are out. However your ACTs are fine!! I would just use the ACTs.</p>

<p>thanks for the reply. im instate btw, so my ACT should be fine for W&M ED??? should i submit my sat score as well?</p>

<p>Why would you want to? Your ACT will be converted to 1340. You also didn't tell us what you individual scores that make-up the composite. I also don't know what you UWGPA is? I also don't know if William and Mary requires SATIIs. Then you don't have a choice. BYW what was the CR, W and M score and what are you interested in?</p>

<p>I see from your initial post that you are going to take the SATIIs in June. Focus on doing well on them....and your finals. I think you'll be fine for in-state. The ACT is offered at the end of September. You can also take the Oct. SAT again and still apply early decision. The applications are generally due Nov 1st.</p>

<p>I had a 31 english, 31 math, 28 science, and 28 reading. thanks for all the replies!</p>

<p>how about for ED at Olin College? do they have ED??? would i have to retake act/sat???</p>

<p>thats quite a jump there...
srry but the reality is unless you have something else great on your app you cannot get into Olin with those scores...their average SAT is like 1500.. and they don't have ED, they have a unique admissions process</p>

<p>if you dont even know that about a college you shouldnt apply ED
Dont apply ED unless youre 100% sure you'll like to be there</p>