Need Some Serious Help People

<p>ok whats up every one
how are you all ?
guys and grils i need some real help
i study in Institute its is kind of a College in Uzbekistan and I wan to transfer to the USA. Right now i am on my 3rd year . next year i graduate
I study on finance/economics. Is it possible for me to transfer ????
I have a been a foreign exchange student in 2003 -4 in Texas.
So I need some real advice since i got not so much time left. I hope someone will answer for me on these questions </p>

<p>How can I obtain a scholarship or fin. aid ?? I am from poor family so my parents cant pay fo me.
Is there any univ/college where can I apply ?
What are the dates to apply ?
Is it possible to transfer as int-l stud. if you have bright head but no money almost to fund it ?
I dont know how to calculate GPA but my scores are above 80% out 100</p>

<p>really people i need some help I hope for your cooperation and help.</p>

<p>Read everything, and I do mean EVERYTHING at</p>

<p>Undergraduate</a> Study – EducationUSA</p>

<p>Then contact the counselors at the Education USA advising center in your country. Here is the link that will give you the address, etc.</p>

<p>Educational</a> Advising Centers ? EducationUSA</p>

<p>When you know what is possible for someone from an institute like yours in Uzbekistan, get in touch with all of the teachers, families, and friends you met during your exchange student year in Texas. Some of them may have good advice for you, especially if you want to go back to Texas and need information about specific colleges or cities.</p>

<p>Good Luck!</p>

<p>You will most likely not be able to transfer. For one, most application deadlines for the fall semesters have passed; the soonest you could hope to transfer would be the spring semester 2009. Secondly, many colleges don't accept transfer students that are that close to finishing a degree. Thirdly, there is about zero financial aid available for transfer students.</p>

<p>There may be other options though for you to come and study in the US, most notably graduate school. Graduate student positions in the liberal arts (e.g. history, physics, computer science, economics, French - <em>not</em> law, medicine, engineering) often come with full funding, e.g. through a Teaching Assistantship. That might be something to consider. If you consider applying as a graduate student next year, make sure to take the GREs this fall.</p>

<p>if i were you,,i prefer to finish my undergraduate degree in my country and then apply for master degree (scholarship) in whereever i want.
applying for scholarship is much easier for graduate students as far as i know.
I know UK gives alot of master degree scholarship too.
besides,,youre in your 3rd year,,there are not many univs in the us that want/can admit senior transfer student and even if they do, many of your credits wont be transfered since your country has a different edu system.
last, most of fall 08 transfer admission has passed.</p>

<p>b@rium is right,,study for toefl and gre,,make sure you get high scores and the rest will be easy.</p>

<p>Hey, I have no clue on transfer to US institution, but I followed happymomof1's link and got to my country's advising center web and found some cool links regarding financial aid :)</p>

<p>List of colleges that give aid to international students. The list includes the number of int'ls enrolled, average aid awarded to how many students etc. Useful for comparison. PDF format.
<a href=""&gt;;/a>
(wow, top LACs award the biggest aid!)</p>

<p>A link called "Guaranteed Scholarships". I don't know if they are available to internationals too or only to residents, so you should check with individual college.
<a href="http://www.guaranteed-*****************/%5B/url%5D"&gt;http://www.guaranteed-*****************/&lt;/a>
Edit: for some reason, CC won't display scholarships . com (no space), but will put stars. Put "scholarships . com", and remove space, instead of "*"</p>

<p>Aid by the specific majors (again, not sure if they're for transfers nor internationals, but putting it out there, in case someone else might need it)
FinAid</a> | Other Types of Aid | Specific Majors or Courses of Study</p>

<p>There's a search engine on the top of the page, and you can look up scholarships, grants etc depending on area of study, region, location in USA, name of the program etc.
For example, I am from Europe, and I looked up Region-> Europe, and several scholarships (by institutions) opened to students from any region opened up.
Funding</a> For US Study: International Scholarships</p>

<p>In case you're interested in graduate schorarship, here's one that awards 40000$ to graduating college senior (not sure if it applies to internationals, you should check it out, sorry)
The</a> William E. Simon Fellowship for Noble Purpose : The William E. Simon Fellowship for Noble Purpose Website</p>

<p>Good luck!
If nothing works out for your final year of study, you can always look up grants and fellowships for graduate work :)</p>

<p>Stick it out at home for this last year. (Assuming that you've got what it takes) Go to a kick-ass American university for grad school. :)</p>

<p>Hi raufhon Assalomu Alaykum! Привет Как дела? It might be better if you try to finish your degree at your institute in Uzbekistan and apply for a second degree or a master in the US after the completion of your first degree. You can apply for a full-bright scholarship or some type of fellowships at the US embassy in Uzbekistan to pay for your education in the U.S. </p>

<p>There are several organizations, such as the Red Cross, the World bank, the IMF… that offered scholarship to students who want to obtain a master degree or a PhD. You can maybe apply to the programs above. </p>

<p>The Muskie / FSA Graduate Fellowship Program supports citizens of the former Soviet Union who want to do graduate studies at the master's level in the United States. Each year, more than two-hundred fifty people receive the fellowship to come to some of the best American Universities.</p>

<p>If you really want to come to the US during your third year, you can participate in the Global Undergraduate exchange. First-, second- and third-year undergraduate students have a chance to receive fellowships from the former Soviet Union. If you get the fellowship, you will be eligible to spend a year at an undergraduate institute and community colleges in the United States but you won’t receive a degree for your academic experience with the Global Und…. </p>

<p>Check the US embassy’s site in Uzbekistan to see if they have what you need. U.S.Embassy</a> in Uzbekistan</p>

<p>Omad yor bo’lsin! Yahshi ishlang!</p>