Need to buy flights -- what time does SOHOP start?

I’m trying to buy flights today and the admissions office is closed. We’re planning on going to the 2-day event on April 4-5.

What time does SOHOP start on the first day? What types of events are on the schedule during the first morning/day?
(Ie. What would we be missing if we arrive later in the day?)

Are you in BME? That starts at 2 pm. Other events start at 3 pm. Your child can see the full schedule on portal. Click on link in acceptance letter.

No, in International Studies. Thanks, I didn’t think that my daughter had the schedule on her portal. I’ll ask her later today! But basically for IS, everything starts at 3:00 pm or later, then?

The official welcome is at 3pm, but there is programming starting at 1pm.