<p>I’m a female sophomore currently living in Riverside West. I hope to live in a double room in the same building next year but my current roomies are either studying abroad or moving out of the dorms. I’d really like to find a roommate rather than just let a random one pop up in my room. </p>
<p>I’ve heard horror stories about the random roommates they stick you with… I really don’t want a partier, a drinker, a slob or a potsmoker. I take my studies and work pretty seriously so I like to keep the room nice and peaceful and relatively neat (not a clean freak, though, so don’t worry!)</p>
<p>If anybody else is out there looking for a sane, calm, and respectful roommate… please let me know! Send me a message on here and we can get in contact through Facebook or e-mail.</p>
<p>Thanks for your time!</p>
<p>EDIT: Forgot to mention, you have to also be an Honors student to live in this particular dorm.</p>
<p>Also… even if you’re not interested in rooming with me, if you have any suggestions as to how I could find someone, I’d really appreciate it!</p>