Negative reactions regarding child attending BS

That is terrible @sadieshadow.

This is a perennial thread. OP and us commenters are not going anywhere anytime soon.

Yep. No where at all. Who would have guessed Grandpa?

Last weekend I had an old friend reference all the “Quirky kids” who must go to boarding schools. Swear she still thinks Choate is a school for misfit kids…


@itcannotbetrue Hard as it is, you have to ignore all comments from friends. You can just say the “he asked to go so we let him” or “this is what works for our family” kind of thing, but really a non-committal/non-engaging answer is best.

With your family? Ugh. I wouldn’t know what to say or do. It is a little dependent on family dynamics. But, keep in mind that sometimes that sort of comment is a round about way of saying how much the kids will be missed.

@gusmom2000 I am bit late in responding… but WOW. I wish we had gotten that miracle here… it takes all of 23 seconds for the room to look like a disaster and it somehow even looks that way after she has packed and gone! LOL

Excellent advice, @london203 . Yes, hard to do!

@gusmom2000 I just read your post and had a good long laugh. If only! Then we’d all have great self-interested responses to the negative comments re: the personality traits that BS foster among the kids…

Am experiencing a new take on BS reactions: Jealousy!

LAST YEAR When DS went last year, most local families thought we were sending him off to “straighten out.”

“Wait, we thought he was a great student? What happened?!?” (sigh)

THIS YEAR, now that DD is at the same school, said local families are scratching their heads and actually starting to take interest in her (their) school experience(s).


Is it 5:00 yet?