Nervous Transfer Woes and Virginia Tech Transfer Odds?

Hi everyone,
So here’s the situation. I’m applying to Virginia Tech as a transfer next fall. I’ve been in Community College for over a year and I’m hoping to be an English Major. The issue is I have a D in College Composition I. Now I tried tirelessly for a semester to get this grade revoked because it was not fairly given to me. (My overall grade was an 86 B, but my teacher added a bunch of weird grades and changed her grading policy at the end of the semester after my final was in) I went on to report it to my institution but my English teacher seemingly went MIA and refused to answer any of emails or calls in regards to my final grade for about two months and by the time she did answer it was too late get the grade changed and it was permanently on my transcript.

Fast forward to this semester, I finished with a 4.0 GPA which made my overall GPA 3.3 I got a 100 A in College Composition II. I’m just afraid that because of this D from College Composition I, I will not get in despite my grades this semester being stellar. What are the odds that Virginia Tech will not let me in? Should I be worried? Or will my grades this semester make that one D on my transcript look like a complete fluke?

Thank you all so so much!