
<p>Hi, I was postponed back in December and it's my top choice so I'm really nervous about my decision. My stats are kind of weird because I go to an elite private school in CT so there is massive grade deflation. However, to put into perspective, I have a 28 act and I was recently accepted to the College of Business at the University of Illinois (my second choice). With that being said, is it harder to get into COB at U of I than it is to get U Wisconsin?</p>

<p>All of this is my opinion, with only anecdotal info.</p>

<p>Both schools have strong B-Schools. I believe several will tell you UofI is stronger in Actting and Madison is stronger in Finance. Computer Science is more conceptual at UofI and practical application at Madison. I don’t know much about the other majors. Bottomline, both are strong overall, and you can’t go to wrong way.</p>

<p>Your question about a bird in the hand, vs. the bush is tough. At UofI most interested, qualified students are direct admits to B-School. At Madison, it’s only 20 freshman that get direct admit, and then they might have to give up AP credits, due to the madatory classes they get put in. The B-school website gives details on direct admit, and Barrons recently posted the link. </p>

<p>If you have confidence in your ability to get a decent GPA in the pre-business courses at Madison, it’s not an issue, and you can choose what school you feel best about in terms of the specific program in B-school, the campus, the social scene, etc. If you are really concerned about the pre-req courses, then UofI may be the best way to go, because “you’re already in”. Keep in mind, you have to do well enough to stay in though.</p>

<p>I am not worried too much right now about getting into the B school at Wisconsin. Instead, I am worried about getting accepted into the regular school at UW. Mentioning me getting accepted to the U of I business school was only meant to give some perspective of the student I am. Essentially, I was inquiring, if I can get into U of I business school can I get into U Wisconsin regular?</p>

<p>Thank you though, you are clearly well informed about the process.</p>

<p>bump…please ease my anxiety!</p>

<p>I’m not sure anyone can give you a good answer, since all we know about you is you’re OOS, have a 28 ACT and go to an elite school with grade deflation. I got into U of I business school and I was still very nervous about getting into Wisconsin - fortunately I did get in a few days later. I know people who’ve been directly admitted to U of I COB and not gotten into Wisconsin; I also know people who’ve gotten into Wisconsin and not gotten into U of I COB. The sense I got from talking to kids at my HS was that Wisconsin weights grades more heavily, and U of I COB is more holistic - into leadership and the like - and might focus more on ACT than GPA. That’s anecdotal, though. Good luck!</p>

<p>Thank you for your input, I had a 3.6 freshmen and sophomore year at the public school (avg accepted for Wisconsin from this school was a 3.5), 3.5 junior year and 3.7 senior year at the private school.</p>