NEW! 2009 Goldman Sachs Operations Full-time Analyst Hiring Status

<p>Hi guys,</p>

<p>So I started a thread about ops internship at GS about 8 months ago, and thanks to all the replies, it is now the first hit you see when you google "Goldman Sachs Operations Internships"! :D</p>

<p>Now, I wanted to update you guys on some new developments at GS, and its operations division in term of hiring.</p>

<p>About 3 weeks ago, 40 or so students flew to Salt Lake City to interview for operations analyst position. GS told them that they'll hear back around the beginning of December (which is now). But a week ago, some of them received a phone call from the recruiter, telling them that it will now take them until the beginning of January to get a result, while others got outright rejected!</p>

<p>Now, if you have any insider information, rumors, feel free to share with the rest of us :)</p>

<p>Hi,there! Good job for your previous thread on GS intern. I had a chance to learn more about the position. Now I am facing the same situation. I got a call last week, saying that the final decision will be made on late Dec or early Jan. I also know a girl is still in and three others are out.</p>

<p>btw, I am also happy to see the reply to your thread at WallstreetOasis. Good luck to both of us!</p>

<p>Inby, how cool that we’re able to “meet” here! lol. See my PM to you.</p>

<p>Also, I know a girl that got a phone call from GS, but ultimately turned them down to take another job; and a guy who got rejected. I guess that, plus your information, puts 5 people out of this competition.</p>

<p>Now… do you have any info regarding how many people interviewed, and how many they are hiring? I only know by guestimation that they interviewed about 40 people, and a manager told me that her department is looking to add about 10-15 people…</p>

<p>Nice ‘meeting’ you as well. As I remember, 35 people were there for the superday. Upon my knowledge, the odds would be around 1/3.</p>

<p>Ok, so suppose they were looking to hire 12 people out of the 35 people, (which is consistent with both of our info), we originally had a 1/3 chance.</p>

<p>But since we know that at least 5 people aren’t in the game anymore, our odds increased from 34% to 40%! hehe. </p>

<p>It would be great if all of the other participants can also join this discussion.</p>

<p>quick question…were you a both summer interns at Goldman and are now waiting for a full time offer? Or did you both interview for the full-time analyst position?</p>

<p>I was a summer intern and I haven’t heard back as of yet regarding a full-time position. alot of interns that I’ve heard of have either gotten declined or waitlisted, so I think they’re going to inform those that are hired around the same time that they hire the full-time analysts that were not summer interns.</p>

<p>I was not a summer intern at GS. I know some people that were however. The acceptance rate for IB was about 1/2 I heard, and as for some operations division, it was way lower than that. GS is being really mean to their past interns, because they’re basically evaluating them against new people this year. Many of them are waitlisted. But i heard that they were supposed to hear back in November. Maybe that changed to the end of Dec as well?</p>

<p>Any insights? Do you have any other potential jobs in the pipeline?</p>

<p>Hi there, has anyone attended the 2nd-round interview on 18th Dec heard anything from GS yet?
Does anyone know that normally how long should they take to reach the decision?</p>


<p>Hi Chibo,</p>

<p>I wasn’t aware that GS did an interview session at that time - what division and location did you interview at? </p>

<p>As to the amount of time it takes GS to respond - it varies. All you have is the HR’s estimates of how long it will take. But HRs aren’t the decision makers, so their estimates are often false…</p>

<p>Hi toblerone,</p>

<p>I went to the 2nd round operation full-time internship interview on 18th Dec in 120 Fleet Street,London.</p>

<p>Uptill now,I still haven’t heard anything from them, do you know anyone who has been to the 2nd interview is offered a place yet?</p>

<p>How long should I wait before calling to check my status?</p>

<p>Thanks for advise!</p>

<p>Hey Chibo,</p>

<p>Honestly, I have no idea when you’ll hear back… But I really do hope that you get an internship there… keep us posted!</p>

<p>Did they give you a timeline of when you should expect to hear back? Usually if they’re not going to follow the time line, they’ll call you/email to ask for more time for consideration…</p>

<p>All the firms need time to understand how many hires they really need. It’s gloomy right now but the stimulus package and other Obama moves could make things look better next month and improve the employment outlook.</p>

<p>Hmom5 is right… but the question is… what are they waiting for? I mean, Q4 results are out, unemployment stats are out… what else do they need? lol. Just let us know already, lol.</p>

<p>I’d really like to know what goes on in companies in terms of recruiting… the process is so secretive.</p>

<p>your probability is still 34%, not 40% i believe. monty hall problem, no? :P</p>

<p>Way to get technical here Juinn!!</p>

<p>Monty Hall problem… is this the one where the TV host tells you door number 3 has nothing, and you originally picked door #1. It’s to your advantage to switch your choice to door #2 bcuz it increases your chance of picking the winner?</p>

<p>How is this related to my chance of getting in though? Maybe my head isn’t working today ;p</p>

<p>i had a 2nd round interview in boston at the beginning of december for a summer ops analyst position in either NYC or Jersey City. got a call about a week later saying i had made it through the initial post-interview screening and that final decisions on the remaining candidates would be made sometime in late january or early february. ended up having to take another offer that i already had to do consulting for a big 4, but might still pursue with goldman depending on whether i get an offer.</p>

<p>According to a number of sources, Goldman has made full-time offers to a number of applicants over the past week. Best of luck to everyone!</p>

I am looking for full time at GS and want to know how should I go about it, coz by applying through website not sure what are my chances? I know it seems late after looking at toblerone’s post! :frowning: Any suggestions?</p>

<p>What’s yout background Mojito? Are you specifically looking for operations?</p>

<p>finance major. Operations… or any idea of other division where they’re currently hiring?</p>