NEW! 2009 Goldman Sachs Operations Internship Hiring Status

<p>bongee0801 posted in my old thread regarding being "on hold" for Goldman's ops interview.</p>

<p>I thought I'd start a new thread on internships recruiting for 2009 so that we can get a fresh start!</p>

<p>Now... regarding being "on hold"... you definitely have a chance of getting an interview! A friend of mine did a 1st round interview, was on hold for a few weeks, then they flew her over to Salt Lake City to do a final round, and now she's just waiting on the final decision. Of course, this is somewhat different since it's for a full-time position, but the internship position shouldn't be that much different.</p>

<p>Bongee0801, what location sent you that email?</p>

<p>its NYC, but i applied to chicago too and the status of that location is still the same “selected for interview…”</p>

<p>toblerone, did your friend get a phone call or email regarding the final round?</p>

<p>She got an email from them. </p>

<p>But last year when I applied to their summer internship program, I got a phone call from them notifying me of a second round. This may be due to cost cutting? :p</p>

<p>k… I will def. keep u posted if i heard back from them… fingers crossed *** :D</p>

<p>Does anyone know actually how many interns they hire each summer? Also, how many of us are on hold?</p>

<p>you are on hold too??? i still haven’t heard back from them… sigh…</p>

<p>hey guys,
i am still waiting for their decision after my second-round interview on 18/12 for the full-time internship.</p>

<p>Do any of you know how long should they take to make the final decision?
I checked up on the GS website,they said they would start giving out offers within 48-72 hours, but I still haven’t heard anything from them. Does it mean that i’m possibly failed?</p>


<p>I’m losing hope :/. I interviewed with GS for Operations on Oct 12th. They emailed me in like early-mid November saying that I was on hold. Haven’t heard an update since…</p>

<p>me too!!!
i havent heard ANYTHING from them… obinnadaone, but i guess its good news for us, cuz we havent gotten rejected LOL
Chibo, i dont know too much info about fulltime, but check another thread created by toblerone, it has more full time info~
good luck!!!</p>

<p>bongee0801 I’m glad I’m not alone and haha yeah you’re right NO REJECTION IS A GOOD SIGN LOL!!!</p>

<p>i got a phone call about a week after my 2nd round interviews saying i had made it past the post-screening and i would be hearing a final decision end of january or early february. was also told that no remaining candidates had been extended offers yet either. this was for summer ops in nyc/jersey city, fyi. anyone else hear anything similar or different?</p>

<p>Like mje8711, I got a phone call at the end of December saying that I will hear a final decision late January or early February, and no final decisions have been made at this point. This is for NYC and NJ too. Seems like nothing I can do but wait at this point…</p>

<p>Same! Except mine was email. I didn’t get a call. Emily Newman- Recruiter for GS- told me they’d update me soon.</p>

<p>i got nothing… :(</p>

<p>all i got was that i am on hold back in November…</p>

<p>did anyone hear back? sigh… this is a tough economy…</p>

<p>finally was extended an offer yesterday, anyone else hear back yet?</p>

<p>what are your credentials?</p>

<p>and how was the interview, i didnt apply because my gpa was under 3.5 and didnt bother giving it a try. I dont see how gpa makes you a better finance person.</p>

<p>was extended an offer too on Friday</p>