New AP Exams

<p>I know of the new languages (Chinese, Japanese, Italian, Russian), but does anyone know if CB is thinking of any other exams? I'd personally like to see an A.P. Sociology.</p>

<p>Today I've really felt like I'm hallucinating.</p>

<p>Nothing ever happened. It's always been like this. (obligatory AP mention) AP tests are easy</p>

<p>poor Zachsta <em>pat pat on the back</em>... the was the weirdest thread on CC ive seen after a year of lurking lol!</p>

<p>Maybe someday they will have AP Arabic, cantonese, and.....Hebrew</p>

<p>It was really cool and i enjoyed the ride</p>

<p>There should be AP top 15 languages in the US</p>

<p>Shahein: Top 15, now that's crazy...but cool. Hey, so how are you Muslim/Jewish mix?</p>

<p>There's AP Art and AP Music [Theory]. There's AP Art History, but no AP Music History...possible?</p>

<p>The program is sorely missing an AP Philosophy course. I mean, they come up with obscure specialties such as Human Geography, and yet fail to have one of the most important and basic college subjects.</p>

<p>Or, as I said earlier, Sociology.</p>

<p>I saved this a while ago:</p>

<p>Top 20 Spoken Foreign Languages in USA
Spanish 28,101,052
Chinese 2,022,143
French 1,643,838
German 1,383,442
Tagalog 1,224,241
Vietnamese 1,009,627
Italian 1,008,370
Korean 894,063
Russian 706,242
Polish 667,414
Arabic 614,582
Portuguese 564,630
Japanese 477,997
French Creole 453,368
Greek 365,436
Hindi 317,057
Persian 312,085
Urdu 262,900
Gujarathi 235,988 </p>

<p>Personally, I think the persian numbers are really low from this source...</p>

<p>I can honestly say, I know only one person who speaks French in their house. Much more Hindi and Urdu.</p>

<p>See, we need AP exams in these languages in order to promote greater fluency. With the amount of outsourcing, terrorism, world affairs, etc, the US really needs to move towards greater language offerings. I for one am sick of the traditional Latin, Spanish, French, and German offerings at my school. Notice, of those four languages, only two are up on that list.</p>

<p>they should have AP Phsyical education~!!</p>

<p>Shahein: The College Board is now going to offer Japanese, Chinese, and Russian, among other languages. If you're coming from a purely utilitarian point of view, these are sufficient. Many of the languages on your list are useless for a liberal arts education, except for specialists. Promoting fluency in, say, Tagalog at the expense of other courses is pointless.</p>

<p>AP nutrition? Better yet AP Family studies.</p>

<p>AP Astronomy, AP Anatomy...</p>

<p>Oh, and since there's Euro and US History, we could have like Asian History, African History, etc.</p>

<p>i don't mean to offend anyone, but im really sick of these language APs and SAT IIs. Hardly anyone takes them. They should make more interesting tests like ^ AP sociology or AP anatomy. anything. most of these language exams are taken by the native speakers, so the curves are wacked. 800 is 56 %tile for chinese SAT 2</p>