<p>I'll chance back.</p>
<p>I won't lie, my grades are awful. I've held an overall 3.0 (unweighted) and am a IB diploma candidate (all classes at IB level)</p>
<p>SATs: M 530 R 680 W 620</p>
<p>SAT 2: Literature: 660 Math 1: 510</p>
<p>ACT: 26</p>
<p>Basically, I fail most especially at standardized tests</p>
<p>Lived a year in France (junior year), take Japanese (went to Japan with summer program)</p>
<p>EC's: Flying lessons, Crew 1 year, Piano 3 years, Voice 3 years, Theatre (design and performance) 3 years, volunteering at local food pantry 1 year</p>
<p>Essays: weird. no idea if they're good or not. About why I don't know what I want to do when I grow up, and why thats a great thing (brought in traveling, risk taking, language, EC's, getting through my Dad's heart attack while we lived in france etc.)</p>
Vassar E.D. (already rejected), Macalester, Oberlin, Lawrence E.A., Willamette E.A., Illinois Wesleyan, Goucher</p>
<p>Could I have my chances calculated for these schools (don't worry, I'm well aware how unlikely they are)</p>
<p>I don’t know much about most of these schools, except for Oberlin, which my cousin attended.
Your GPA would be in the lower range, and your math SAT scores, for I and II, are a little low compared to the average, so i would put that as a reach.
Your ECs arent amazing, but they’re well rounded.
i would say try to take the SATs again and get those math scores up, and make your GPA as high as you can
sorry i couldn’t be of more assistance</p>
<p>No, Oberlin and Mac are definitely big reaches. Right now I’m just praying for Willamette so I can have one option, and working on my GPA between the 7 million IA’s IB has.</p>
<p>Thank you for chancing me!</p>
<p>Yes, your stats are low, but you have an interesting essay topic and interesting experience. Maximize those. Your schools may overlook some of your weaknesses. But will that still get you in? Your tougher schools are those first three, plus Goucher. Did you get into Lawrence, Willamette? Are in-state? I suggest you also include a few safeties, although maybe Illinois Wes. is one. Not familiar with that school.</p>
<p>I’m from Wisconsin, so I sort of have that going for me, plus I take Japanese which is appealing to Willamette’s exchange program (don’t know if that makes a difference). I’m trying to find safeties definitely, it’s just hard to judge… nothing really seems to be a safety for me… they all seem to be reaches! :P</p>
<p>Macalester and Oberlin both seem like a bit of a reach; I don’t know much about Willamette or Lawrence, but IW and Goucher both seem like matches.</p>