New CODO policy for engineering

If I meet all of the codo requirements and for some reason am not admitted to FYE because of lack of space… what happens? Am I placed on a waitlist or just lose all shot of becoming an engineer? Or can I reapply?

I believe you need to stay in your original major. CODO is not guaranteed especially for the popular majors.

IMO, if you have been admitted somewhere else into engineering, I would go there. I personally wouldn’t risk it.

@momofsenior1 How hard would it be to double major with an engineering major if you were accepted for a major in the polytechnic institute?

II don’t know @blazinamazin2023. Engineering and polytechnic are two separate colleges so I would ask Purdue directly if that’s a possibility.

The “new” policy just means it’s harder to CODO. If you don’t get approved to CODO, you stay in your original major. You can’t double major in Engineering without being admitted to engineering via CODO. Don’t be fooled by the minimum requirements - getting a 2.75 GPA in Chemistry won’t guarantee you a spot in engineering, it will allow you to request a spot, which is different.

I agree with @momofsenior1 - if you’ve been admitted to engineering somewhere else, that’s a better bet than “planning” to CODO into the COE at Purdue.

…not to mention that good grades at Purdue can be a bit hard to come by, especially int he math and physics departments. Acing those weedout classes well enough to qualify for CODO, much less get accepted, is not a given.

@blazinamazin2023 Purdue would call that specific circumstance dual degrees rather than double majors because polytechnic and CoE are two different schools. It would be harder to get approved if possible, but I haven’t seen anything saying it couldn’t be done as long as you can get a CODO approved.

So my son’s first choice is Chem Engineering (CoE), but got admitted into 2nd choice major (Biochem, CoAgriculture). No mention if he is wiatlisted into CoE. Does the Purdue’s policy basically mean he cannot get into CoE via CODO before committing to Purdue?

@Bay_blade2000 - as far as I know the only way to CODO into the College of Engineering is to matriculate into Purdue in the college that accepted you, take the required classes, make the required GPA and apply. But there also needs to be space available in the COE major/FYE in order for the CODO to be approved so even then there is no guarantee. I don’t think they waitlist by college - your son was accepted to his second choice major in Ag which means he was not accepted into the COE.

That is my understanding as well @camom13.

@Bay_blade2000 - If your son really wants to do Chem E, I would go to a school where you know he can pursue that major. Chem E is historicallye one of the majors that is usually full.

Thanks CaMom13 and momofsenior1. We changed his major online on the Purdue portal, effectively asking for a re-consideration. A bit of a long shot, but no harm done trying.

In general, CODO into Engineering, FYE or later, is extremely difficult. I think I commented about it at a meeting with admissions staff at one point and they said you better have a 3.9 to CODO to FYE.