Change Major in Purdue

Hello! I was enrolled in the department of Physics for Fall 2020 as an undergrad. While I am interested in physics, I am also very interested in EE. How easy is it to get the double major EE + Physics? I heard from many it’s not hard and I can apply after my first semester. Also, while I am considering to double major, I am planning to hold/discontinue physics and pursue my EE program if course load gets too overwhelming. How realistic is this? I’m a little confused because I heard you have a lower acceptance rate when you declare engineering than a science course, so I didn’t believe it is that easy to enter the college of engineering. Won’t many get in this way then? Thank you in advance!

The “many” that you “heard from” don’t sound very knowledgeable.

CODO (Change Of Degree Objective - i.e. transfer) into Engineering at Purdue is not easy at all. Search other threads in this Purdue forum for CODO for existing answers to the question.

EDIT: I see you asked the same question in another thread. Again, the things you “heard” there are also not accurate.