<p>hey guys, give examples of how nerdy/hard-working you can get.
This is a competition or...if that doesn't work, it will serve as a motivation or morale booster for people to work even harder/get even more nerdier. lol.
I'll start.
Once, I slept for only 2 hours in one week and i think about slope fields when i go the bathroom. :D</p>
<p>one of my hobbies is computer modding. </p>
<p>-built own computer
-oc every single component as far as it could go.
-hacked mobo bios to access extra voltage settings
-stuff it into a closet. buy rheostat with ultra bright lights. hook all fans up. = dead silent computer
-custom mod my powersupply by pulling it apart, cutting wires, replace fans, then rerout the fan wires to rheostat
-all my videocards use aftermarket fans
-experimented with harddrive suspension (suspending harddrive on two pieces of nylon string, so to eliminate vibration)
-my case doesn't have a side
-my cpu fan changes colours</p>
<p>I used to stay up late at night and delay my homework to study for my biology SAT II freshman year. I even left my really good friend's birthday party early to study. In the end, it paid off, though.</p>
<p><3 Biology.</p>
<p>How did you get 2 hours of sleep in one week? I think that's physically impossible...</p>
<p>My room has 28 post-its; on items drawers, etc.</p>
<p>I built my own computer.
Stayed up until 6am to study for AP Calc test.
Went 30 hours without sleeping once.
Hmm guess I'm not that nerdy.</p>
<p>ah, i'm normal. kind of.</p>
<p>I never study and still manage to be at the top of my class.</p>
<p>nah it's possible, the most recorded # of days without sleep is 11 I think, an experiment was done to see if the brain could handle it.</p>
<p>Ya Martha, I'm pretty normal too.</p>
<p>I like to read my history by the chapter...</p>
<p>yay normal!!</p>
<p>The longest i've ever stayed up was 36 hours. I finally crashed, after hours of forcing my eyelids to stay up.</p>
<p>I don't know how long I've stayed up, but I'm sure it's been longer than 36 hours. I usually get 6 hours of sleep per night, but I also waste a lot of time.</p>
<p>I get about 8 hours in winter and 5 in summer/fall/spring.</p>
<p>I do well in school, but that doesn't mean I'm nerdy.</p>
<p>I also try to get in about 8 hours of sleep every night in order to grow.</p>
<p>sleep is for the weak, i'm not kidding</p>
<p>no study != hard work/nerd</p>
<p>ivypoison, how many vid cards is in ur comp?</p>
<p>nerdiest i ever done, was teacher the whole class (AP Physics) when there was a sub, the class liked it and the sub didnt care, but i was acting cool too</p>
<p>Actually, sarorah, I like to say that "sleep is for the dead." =D</p>
<p>30 hours without sleep? Pathetic. Though it's really nothing to brag about, I've gone four days with less than five hours of sleep and I regularly go about 40 hours with no sleep (all-nighter without crashing until night).</p>
<p>I find that I tend to be less responsive to the overtures of interested women when I am tired. Thus, to prevent this from happening (and to prevent unsightly bags from forming under my eyes), I try to get the requisite amount of sleep.</p>
<p>HW and school related things are not as important as sleep. After all, if I have some HW left, I can always copy it from the forlorn she-beast languishing by herself in the corner of the classroom (aka: THE class nerd).</p>