<li>How was move in?</li>
<p>Very smoth, easy, lots of stuff to see…</p>
<li>How is your dorm?</li>
<p>Wolman = best. period.</p>
<li>Describe your classes!</li>
<p>not hard yet, but studying starts immediately :(</p>
<li>What fun things have you done?</li>
<p>Looked at clubs, orientation events, BBQ’s, meetings, etc etc</p>
<li>What’s the most unexpected thing you’ve experienced so far?</li>
<p>The shady parts of Baltimore are pretty close</p>
<li>What are the students like?</li>
<p>Normal, not geeky, not jocks. Well MOSTLY…</p>
<li>What did you do this weekend?</li>
<p>relaxxxeeed, finished homework, went to inner harbor, studying now, computer games lol, gym…alot</p>