New Look for the CC Community

hello everyoone

Welcoming the change! :slight_smile:

Just so you know, that headline blue in the posts is a little tough to read, particularly on a mac, which has more lumens/gamma. The forum side listing color weight is fine. Is there any way you can tweak the new blog to be readable to your entire demographic, including we elders : ) who happen to be mac heads?
It seems to me quite a usability issue where a little more grey/black color weight would make such a difference.

Thanks in advance for listening (I hope).

PS Overall, nice look feel. Just a little hyper bright when trying to select a thread to read!

in re: to zebe’s post above and the terrible typing and misplaced word usage: I obviously type with sunglasses, or better yet a blindfold. Geesh!


Thanks for the option to keep the old look…I’ll stick with that one.

I like it! :slight_smile: I think that the it’s refreshing. I just don’t understand what’s up with everyones eyes?! If it seems too bright for you, maybe you should go outside more often.

PS It’s now much easier to read CC in the dark! :wink:

Have to say, took me less than ten minutes to decide to “default” to the old colors. Brighter is not better. Strains the eyes. Yes, as my post suggests, I am a mom so that must mean I am old. Old eyes, too!!! Thanks though for the option of old or new color, but that option is only if you log in. Wish the CC site, without login requirements, had an old color “default” option.

I immediately switched back the old version.

Whoever designed it should consider consulting the Web Standard for Color Contrast and Readability.

[How</a> to switch back](<a href=“http://i206.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/bb26/Iam3elliott/CCmenu.jpg]How”>http://i206.■■■■■■■■■■■■■■■/albums/bb26/Iam3elliott/CCmenu.jpg)

Not a fan of the new look… and switched back to the classic…

I noticed when i logged on and was pleasantly surprised.

Also like the old version better. At least there is an option to switch back. I agree the contrast on the old is much easier to work with.

I tried…I really tried. At first glance, I really liked it and tried it for a day but it was too bright and the read and not read messages were too hard to distinguish. I switched back.

I couldn’t stand it. Really bothered my eyes. Thank goodness getting back to the old look wasn’t too difficult. I was a little confused by the “forum skin” but clicked on it anyway.

the MBA forum doesn’t switch back to the Classic.

Please fix!!!

Truly horrific. What were you thinking?? I’ve switched back, but now I can’t come to the site and lurk. Will definitely be here less often as a result.

I haven’t read this whole thread, but just skimming it looked like the vast majority disliked the new style. You might think about treating it as a failed experiment and just set the default back to classic. If there are really people who like the new skin - and it’s hard for me to imagine - you could make that the alternative choice rather than the default.

It’s not that bad.

But is CC running Vbulletin or PHP or something like that? There’s no quote function or advanced text options. It’s not up to date with other forums in that respect.

ouwww my eyes
its too bright x.x

I really dislike the new style. I’m in agreement with most of you who think it is much too bright and hard on the eyes and have switched back to the old style. I’d love to see the changes that some have mentioned that would make it easier to quote and do smilies.

I abhor the new style. It is excruciatingly painful to look at my laptop screen when this webpage is up and this is actually a deterrent for me from this website. Can you just make the old format the default and let the those who like the new style instead change it from the old format?

Like cosar, I tend to lurk and occasionally log in to give a comment when I think I can help, but with this new default format I am also going to be spending much much less time here, maybe for the better since I no longer need assistance and am spending time doling out help