New Look for the CC Community

@the_prestige…I am able to view the MBA forum in classic colors. Please make sure you are logged in. Just to clarify, you are speaking about this forum here, right:

<a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;

Changing back to the original takes less than 30 seconds - give it a try.



Doesn’t anyone know that CC is a night-time obsession for many parents and college wannabees…this has a HIGH NOON color scheme…doesn’t fit with the midnight hour mood and contemplative searching nature of this website’s “life is in a major transition” mission, folks…

the Aura is all wrong.

this looks like a color scheme for say…the PTA or a RECIPE website.

OK, it took me a few days to get used to it, but I like it. Does anyone else collect Vintage Fiesta? That’s what the colors remind me of. My only complaint: In the thread lists, there’s not enough contrast between read and unread threads.

Honestly, did a four-year-old choose the new colors?

Yikes! I just got back from a two week vacation with no internet and was horrified by the new colors! Much too bright for me! Thanks for tip on how to change back to old style but using the drop down in the lower left corner. You’d think CC would have put this in the profile area … a bit obscure where it is.

The new Style is TERRIBLE.

Congratulations on fixing something that wasn’t broken.

I don’t want to have to log in every time to get the old style to read here. Too much time, too much hassle. You’ll sell advertising easier if you have more readers.

Can you please put it back the way it worked so well for so long? Thank you.

Oh OK, just saw the selector at the bottom left. Thats an improvement. I still think it’s all unnecessary though.

I love it =) Summer, here we come!

ARG its like facebook changing all over again. but its ok ill get used to it.

“Arghh! It hurts my eyes!”

Changed it 5 seconds after my frist entry to this site with the new skin.

After reluctantly using the new look for a few days just to give it a shot, I must say I’m starting to like it more. I guess my eyes have gotten used to the brightness, or else I’ve just turned my monitor’s brightness down enough that it doesn’t affect me.

Glad I stopped in this thread and found out I could change the colors back. The new look was very difficult to read—seemed faded out. Thanks for making it possible to revert to the old scheme.

My eyes are still in pain from the brief few minutes I had it on! Ah! I do not like the new scheme at all. Very painful, and I’m amongst the teenagers!

Thanks for the continued feedback! The main motivation behind the color change was to create visual consistency with the College Confidential informational site here:

[College</a> Admissions, Search, and Financial Aid Help from College Confidential](<a href=“]College”>

There are two ways to revert back to the traditional color scheme:

  1. Select “CC” from the drop-down menu located on the left side of the dark blue site footer
  2. Visit “My Control Panel” and select “Edit Options” from the “Settings & Options” section. Scroll to the bottom of the page and locate the drop-down menu in the “Miscellaneous Options” section. Choose “CC” from the menu and click “Save Changes”

<h1>1 is MUCH faster :)</h1>

My concern is that it’s possible that most people who come to this site don’t know that they can change back. I think there should be a prominent, permanent way of informing all users of the two options.

This would also inform NEW forum users that there is an option that might be easier on their eyes. As an oldster - 61 yrs old - I find the new style very difficult to deal with, and have gladly changed back. Black type is just easier to read for me, and probably for many others.

Thanks, gladmom. I will certainly pass that suggestion along. Since we work with the site so much we sometimes forget that not everyone knows what we know :slight_smile:

Where do you suggest we display such a notice to insure visitors coming into various parts of the site will see it?

Thanks again for the helpful feedback!

P.S. By the way, I don’t associate 61 with “oldster”…perhaps because my parents are in their early- and mid-60s and they still seem quite young to me :slight_smile:

I agree with gladmom (and others in the the Arggghhhhh category).

On a forum page, I have a much more difficult time now distinguishing which threads are read v. unread. Colors are not different enough for these old eyes.

Glad to see I can switch back - probably good that I didn’t know I could switch back until I gave the new style the ol’ College Confidential try. That’s it though - now that I know - I’m switchin’ back! This past week I actually avoided going to CC as often as I used to simply because I found the changed colors annoying/difficult.

Ummmm… OK. I went to the first post in this thread to see how to change back. The instructions there don’t match what I see on my Edit Options page (I see Edit Options / Forum Skin not Edit Options / Style Chooser). Maybe somewhere in these 10 pages the instructions were updated??? Maybe the instructions in the first message should be updated?

I also seem to remember learning somewhere that red is a color that is very difficult for those who are legally blind to see; certainly it would be difficult for those who are color blind; as, I suspect, is the aqua bordering on green text.

I like it.