New moped parking rules this Fall

<p>Got a moped or thinking of getting one? Get ready for a big change. Info at</p>

<p>Permit</a> - UW - Motorcycle/Moped</p>

<p>Basically, riders will get an assigned spot in one of the campus moped lots. Only 6 lots will be all-access and they're not very convenient to the main campus area -the Nat, Picnic Point area, Kohl Center. There's a nice new map that you can find at the above website. They're taking apps beginning Aug 1. The good 'ole bike may be a better way to get around now . . . and cheaper too.</p>

<p>Or just walk/bus it depending. No worries.</p>

<p>A few mopeds weren’t in the way, many parking wherever they pleased likely led to the need for more regulation. My guess is that mopeds are a less costly car substitute for trips off campus or commuting from far away apartments. Nice for a disabled person who gets to park close and have more independence than without one, but no advantage for others. I noticed a credit card was required in the rules- probably a smart idea to be able to collect any fines. Looks like hoofing it still will be the major mode of getting around campus.</p>

<p>As a pedestrian on UW’s campus I wish mopeds were banned. Besides their noise and pollution, their users, as a group, not as individuals, seem to have little regard for people trying to legally cross the street or for their own safety.</p>

<p>Perhaps the higher costs and inconvenient parking will change things- let’s hope so.</p>

<p>For anyone living in the dorm having one is a total waste since that will be your assigned spot . . . unless your classes are after 4:30 p.m. when you’d have all access parking. Makes a bit more sense for those living off campus but still it’s park and walk. My bike will take me everywhere and its cheap.</p>