New President

<p>Does anyone know when the new president will be announced and when he/she will take over? This is all simply out of curiosity. The more I read on Dr. Bonner the more satisfied I was with her credentials, but I’m curious if she will act as president throughout this upcoming year or if someone will take over before then.</p>

<p>I doubt they’ve even done any interviews yet. These things take a lot of time. I don’t imagine that anyone would be selected within the next 6 months.</p>

<p>My vote is for Condoleezza Rice. I don’t know if she would leave her position at Stanford, but it would be worth the phone call to find out. She’s a Birmingham native and a Tide fan as well as being eminently qualified for the job.</p>

<p>It would be a home run hire and give the school great publicity and credibility.</p>

<p>Oh Wow…Condi would be an amazing hire. But I think she has said that if she weren’t at Stanford, she’d want to be the NFL Commissioner.</p>

<p>I understand why people think Condi would be a great choice. She is a very smart and capable person, but I would be very upset if she became president. Way too many lies have come out of her mouth about Iraq, lead up to 9/11… just sayin </p>

<p>I know most will disagree. Again, I think she would do a “good” job, but I think she and others were never held responsible for a lot of things that went down in the last administration, not that this one is any better. </p>

<p>Just my two cents.</p>

<p>my vote is to win/hire this man with whatever it takes: </p>

<p>[UMBC:</a> About UMBC](<a href=“]UMBC:”></p>

<p>just don’t tell any of my Maryland friends I said that, I would be run out of the state. He is truely a Maryland diamond, and worth 100x his weight in gold. Amazing man!</p>

<p>PS: he is originally from Alabama.</p>

<p>I think President Witt had the vision that brought many of us to UA. That vision is evident in the new buildings, increased selectivity, strong OOS enrollment, etc… etc…</p>

<p>President Bonner seems to be carrying on his vision.</p>

<p>I would not want to see anyone get on board who didn’t have UA as a primary focus and who could bring a background that proves a distraction to the position; regardless of how much I might admire that person.</p>

<p>Mr. Hraboski certainly has an interesting resume but I remain confident that the selection committee that brought President Witt to ‘power’ will do a good job in choosing his successor!</p>

<p>It will likely take some time for UA to make a final decision. Look how long Dr. S was the interim Dean of the Honors College before he was named permenent.</p>

<p>Student- I am sure that the selection committee will do a wonderful job. People were throwing around names and I thought I would throw Habrowski out there. I have a huge respect for that man and what he has done for UMBC. but honestly I don’t think he has any thoughts of making a change. It was just a name.</p>

<p>I’m confident that a new UA president will be in office by the end of the 2012-2013 school year, likely sometime in February. For accounting reasons, it’d be great to have a new president on October 1st as that’s the start of UA’s fiscal year.</p>

<p>Based on UA’s recent history and institutional culture, the new president will not be hired internally and will likely come from outside of the SEC. I was thinking that the [now deceased] president of the University of Nevada would have been an excellent choice in terms of expanding the university while still encouraging students from rural parts of the state to succeed academically. Of course, that is now a logistical impossibility. I also thought that Dr. Witt would have been an excellent choice to become president of the University of Washington after its president left to head the NCAA, but I don’t think he applied.</p>

<p>There has been some controversy in the UA system not allowing more students to provide input into the presidential selection process, but one would hope that UA at least holds some town hall meetings in August or September so students have a chance to meet and provide input about the top 3 candidates.</p>

I have been very impressed by what I have seen on Hrabowski. I feel bad for UMBC though b/c none of the kids I know take it seriously. DD and a lot of her friends turned down full rides there but I think some of them will end up regretting it. I would love to see him come to UA but won’t hold my breath.</p>

<p>The academic hiring process is looooong & has to follow certain procedures. To hire for a regular level position at my institution, it’s a full day interview (even for part time) and 3 candidates go through the process. For associate dean & above positions, it’s usually a three day interview process. Grueling. Once a search committee is formed, they have to place announcements nationally. On April 6th, a 23 member search committee for the position was announced. [Schools</a> find president in different ways | The Crimson White](<a href=“Documenting Justice (Video) - The Crimson White”>Documenting Justice (Video) - The Crimson White) </p>

<p>From what I was reading, they haven’t met or drafted a job announcement yet. A committee of 23 academics drafting a job announcement can take quite a bit of time; that’s before they even start accepting C.V’s. Then they have to convene to select the 3 (or other decided upon number) of candidates that will be interviewed. Interviews are next; after interviews, people who attended the public meetings are asked to provide feedback. After all that the search committee recommends a candidate to the person/board making the decision. They can say no, and ask the committee to start again. </p>

<p>Seatide: there is one student on the search committee. That may not sound like a lot, but a lot of schools don’t have students officially on these types of committees, but instead have meetings with student groups during the interview process & then ask for feedback.</p>

<p>A 23 member search committee? That sounds like the abortion we put together when Perkins took off for Tampa. We ended up hiring Bill Curry after ****ing Bobby Bowden off by telling him he had to interview if he wanted the job. What an absolute colossal screw up that was. SERENITY NOW!!!</p>

<p>Lets hope this search committee does a better job. Anyway it’s not like hiring the President of The university is as important as hiring a good football coach (g)</p>

<p>I don’t know Casino. Had BB come to Bama, we might be in FSU’s situation now. I actually think Curry was not as bad as most think. Just glad we have Saban now. </p>

<p>Dr. Witt left really big shoes to fill. I am sure that his performance has elevated the UA President’s position to a much grander opportunity than it used to be. I think Witt always saw the potential, even more so than most of the stale leadership that hired him. They really had let UA slumber. I wish I could take people back to the old campus in 1987 and show them the transformation that has taken place. When I was there back then, I had a feeling it would happen at some point.</p>

<p>kaylynsmom- Hrabowski has done pretty amazing things. UMBC is likely where my S would have gone if he did not want to go out of state and have the opportunity at UA. A number of students go to UMBC from our school each year, and a good friend of my S is in Meyerhoff this year (great program!). Because he is such a visionary and change maker- that is why I threw his name out there for fun. What he has done for URM of Maryland (and abroad) has been impressive! I do see him as someone that could carry on Witt’s vision, and expand on it in great ways. But living in MD, I have the benefit of seeing first hand what he has done at UMBC over the past years.</p>

<p>My only fear is that they’ll pick someone who is too timid to take the kind of visionary risks that Witt did. I wish he could have stayed for just a couple more years, although I guess his position as Chancellor of the system makes it even easier to do the things he wants.</p>

<p>I wouldn’t think Chancellor Witt likely to let his hard work falter by allowing some slacker to replace him. He seems to be a results-oriented guy. His statistics background is proven out by his LOVE of standardized tests. And this parent is very happy about that! (plus, my PhD was in Statistics, so he MUST be a cool guy)</p>

<p>In my opinion, it is extremely unlikely Condoleezza Rice would be named the president. During the chancellor search, several business leaders and congressmen wanted her to be considered for that position, but she was not given an interview (and possibly not even contacted). </p>

<p>It is also extremely unlikely that whomever takes over at the University of Alabama would timid or unqualified.</p>