New school, new to deal

<p>its my senior year and i moved to a new school. ive made plenty of freinds and everything...but im gay and 3 of my new closest friends are very christian, i cant seem to make them understand that im not chosing to be gay as the fact is that i just am gay...they bring it up often that sum guy likes me and i like him too, but as i tell them i dont...what should i do about it??</p>

<p>Ignoring is your #1 bet but confront them if that doesn't work out.</p>

<p>ok tyvm for the help...</p>

<p>That's tough - good luck I hope it ends up well. If I were you, just keep it hidden or ditch the Christian friends. :)</p>

<p>yea i would have kept it hidden but myspace screwed that up cause ppl looked me up on my space and told everyone…</p>

<p>I moved to a new school but actually I have not got any friends yet.</p>

<p>well… i sugest getting to know ppl by like introducing your self to others and join clubs and sports and stuff… it kinda worked out for me, lol =)</p>

<p>I am too shy is the point. They don’t let me play any sports this year, not sure about next year so I can’t join any teams. I think people might not like me there.</p>

<p>get to know people in your classes. especially ones that you might see in several classes.
ask if they studied for the test, or what they thought of the homework. if the environment is very cliquish, you could try to talk to the non-clique people, maybe the quieter ones.</p>

<p>tell them that if they can’t handle it it’s their problem, not yours.</p>

<p>also, think about shutting down your myspace. one of the nice things about going to a new school is a fresh start!</p>

<p>One of my teachers is gay and he is pretty open about it. I live in Cali so I’m always telling him Yes on 8. But when ever I think of a guy and a guy doing it I start to wonder what the **** the world is coming to.</p>

<p>Ditch the Christian friends.
Find a party with drugs and alcohol and be friends with those people. They are much more accepting than stuck up super christians.</p>

<p>somead -</p>

<p>Sounded like a pretty hateful comment to me. I’m not going to get into the gay arguments on here. But, it just sounded pretty insulting to LGBT.</p>

<p>to Vi -</p>

<p>If they can’t accept you for who you are then ditch them. It’s your best bet. I’ve been where you are. You’ll find real friends, trust. Unless, you do go to a strong religious school, which I doubt. I let everyone know usually within like the first two days since freshman year because it just makes things easier.
&I don’t get hurt that way.</p>

<p>ohhh…tyvm for the helpful tips…lol…they are kinda getting better since i talked to them about it… =)</p>

<p>Hmm. That’s a tough situation. It’s awesome you’ve found a group of friends, but I think they’re what I call “fluff friends.” You like spending time with them but don’t connect on a more significant level. It’s okay to have friends that don’t believe what you do–believe me, living in the South, I have sooo many evangelical friends despite the fact that I’m fairly socially liberal. However, I don’t think they’re going to be good friends. They can compartmentalize you and their beliefs until they overlap, when they probably won’t be able to reconcile the two.</p>

<p>So my advice? Find friends who understand you, and keep these guys as “fluff friends.”</p>

<p>Yea, if they can’t accept you for who you are, ditch 'em. If they can, just ignore them or whatever.</p>

have you considered being a pyschiatrist? =)</p>

<p>When I switched schools (which was very hard for me) the best piece of advice anyone gave me was that it would take one full year before I got any real friends.</p>

<p>It was really difficult to make it through that year, but at the end of it it really did come true.</p>