New Student Conference (NSC) Suggestions?

<p>In anticipation of our son's NSC next week, we thought we'd ask for your:</p>



<p>Or any thoughts/suggestions with regard to the course registration portion of the NSC?</p>

<p>Thanks! And any other words of advice, warning, etc. as we prepare are appreciated. </p>

<p>I can’t come up with three things for each. Her’s the short version…Drink a lot of water and wear comfortable shoes! If you’re staying in a dorm, bring a mattress pad. Those dorm mattresses are excruciating. Actually, I kind of wished I had sprung for a hotel room. Have alternates for your schedule ready in case a class fills up. I sat behind my kid and fed her the course numbers. If one got full, I was ready with a different one. You don’t want to be searching for alternates during the process. We got all our first choices by being fast, focused, and prepared and were done in 5 minutes. We spent a few hours researching all the possibilities on campus computers the night before. Try to find out which classes fill the quickest in your major and register for those first. Good Luck!</p>

<p>A few suggestions: get your ID card early if you attend the pre-reg day, bring two laptop computers if you have them (use the night before scheduling), make several backup schedules in case your classes are full & have them ready to go with class numbers. Unlike Debbie7452, I was not allowed to join my student for class sign ups (Mays Business School), parents waited outside both years. Have a plan of attack - they literally say ‘go’ when schedule opens- fastest one gets the slot in each course. You can choose to add all classes at once, add one at a time or anything in between. You will be going to your college assigned designated area (they had counselors/professors in the room/library with students). It can take 5 min. or 2 hours… depending on your pre-planning & avail. courses.</p>

<p>Go to your future housing spot: take pictures & measurements - closet depth (size of laundry baskets & additional shelving needed?) any extra room for refrigerator, little shelf, chair/couch,look at walls (can you hang on them?), empty space under sink or cabinet, etc. I measured everything so we could take what fit. Size of closet varies on campus by quite a bit. You will be much happier on move in day when you don’t have carry everything BACK to the car that doesn’t fit.</p>

<p>Look at the map of the school - be realistic about getting from one class to the other- it’s a big campus. </p>

<p>DO display your parking pass… YES they do write citations, park in the correct areas. </p>

<p>I really enjoyed the yell leaders presentation, it’s last on the agenda but a fun time. Q&A panel for parents was very amusing & helpful. Enjoy your time on campus! </p>

<p>I second the comment about getting the ID card on “Day 0” or the pre-reg day. Don’t know if it will be this way but several years ago, you had to drive to west campus to get it (on that day). However, it was well worth it to be able to avoid the very long lines that were in place by early morning of Day 1.</p>

<p>Be ready for information overload especially if this is your first child to go to college.</p>

<p>Also, along with reviewing the schedules the night before, it would probably be a good idea for your kid to take a look between now and next week at just what the suggested freshman year and course requirements are for their major in order to know what questions he/she wants to get answered during the “College Meeting/Advising” session.</p>

<p>Can you see the course schedules online now? We are ready with my sons planned first semester, but we haven’t seen course schedules. I’d prefer we do that work now. </p>

<p>When you register, do you have to use their computer or can we bring our own and signup from anywhere? I’m a little confused as to the logistics during the class signup.</p>

<p>You can see the class schedule by logging into Howdy and clicking on the My Record tab. In the Registration box is a link to the Search Class Schedule.</p>

<p>I have a few questions for someone who knows engineering…that is physics 218. I am looking at a section that says MWF 11:30-12:20, then T 11:10-12:00 and three other times listed as T 7:00-10:00pm. 1. does that mean this section will meet on T from 7:00-10:00 and 2. why are there (3) of them listed? 3. someone told me that it might be when exams will be for that section. Thanks</p>

<p>Tiberious, if I remember correctly MWF will be when the class meets for lecture, T 11:10-12:00 will be recitation while T (immediately following recitation) 12:10-2:00 will be the lab. T 7-10 is probably exams. </p>

<p>If you click on the CRN Number to the left of the PHYS (For example 12771) it will show you exactly what the times represent.</p>

<p>Pretty sure not all sections of courses were available at every NSC, anyone else remember that? They opened new sections of courses the night before sign ups when my two registered - if I recall correctly (but the memory is the first to go…) stating available seats.</p>

<p>Also location wise - since my Engineering info is dated- they did at one time all sign up together by major (but now,not sure), I can say the Business School did have computer lab locations where you sign up for courses at the exact same moment with all other Mays students. Everyone in the business school is BUAD majors to start with until you declare upper division (you’re not divided out by accounting, marketing, etc.) with the exception of Business Honors who had their own area. </p>

<p>There is a window of opportunity to sign up for courses, it is a fixed time limit - you will see students and parents sitting at computer labs as you walk through the school later in the day. Business school let parents into the lab after a certain amount of time… funniest memory were the parents (albeit quietly) cheering at my first NSC when a student (walking through the waiting parent gauntlet) would emerge from the computer lab having a completed their schedule in record time. </p>

<p>My kid got her ID card made very late on the second day. By then there was no line at all. The down side of this was that we had been walking all over campus in the heat all day and her picture was a bit bedraggled. Just another option for you to consider! I think I heard Engineering parents did not get to go in the registration either. My girl is a Science major in a fairly small department, so they let in the parents.</p>

<p>Which classes fill first? My S has built a schedule but wanted to know which classes he should key in first. </p>

<p>The online class schedule shows how many spots are available and how many are left open. We were told that for some of the most popular courses, they “save” spots that are released right before registration at each NSC so that later NSC students are not disadvantaged. Having said that, everything that was closed right before my registration, was still closed the day of. Still, the numbers should give you some idea of what to expect.</p>

<p>how to search for required courses and classes?</p>